The Ultimate Question

Ur Fave

  • Snes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Genesis

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

cant answer yet... in a few days I will be able :D

For Now SNES, But I havent had time to realy try Gen..
I voted SNES
Im a big RPG fan so at least for FF4 5 6 the SNES is the best console ever made (I dont forget chrono, seiken..., ...)
but I must admit the gen is also a good console with great games (road rash...sonic :D ...)

but I still prefer SNES :)

see you :lol:
hahaha the turbo grafx.......

MEGA DRIVE all the way. there was only a handful of games on the snes i particularly enjoyed (mario kart is the first that comes to mind) and most of these had much better versions on the mega drive due to the snes controller being will not convince me that it was good because it wasnt. it was cheap and the d-pad sucked. the buttons on the mega drive pad were also much nicer to touch and the overall console was nicer
I voted for the SNES cause I had it back that time... I got my Mega Drive / Genesis when it's time was over for loooooong. It still rawks, but I got better memories with the good ol' SNES anyway.
SNES; the Mega Drive games never seemed as charming, and I prefer a good old cardboard box for my games.

Best reason ever?

And I hate to be such a shit about it....but if anyone can find me a platfomer on the Mega Drive better than Mario World/Yoshi (and no Sonic does not count:P), a racer better than Mario Kart and an RPG better than Chrono Trigger I'd love to see them.

And, the SNES controller rawked. The Genesis one? Not bad, but bah.

It seems odd arguing this now Nintendo and Sega are sleeping together.
MegaDrive yay!.

Sonic mmmm, Thunderforce 4 mmmm, The Chaos Engine mmmm, Xenon 2 mmmm, Toki mmmm, Rocket Knight Adv mmmm, Turrican mmmm, Wiz n Liz mmmm, Oh and you couldn`t get Rainbow Islands on the Snes :P AFAIK.
