The Situation

what makes me laugh is the amount of people that say "it`s a scam!!!"

if it is then Craig is the worst scammer on the planet, if it was a scam he could post things like

the 4000 lcd displays have been tested and are being fitted right now

we upgraded the case to an option of carbon fibre, krystal plastic or alloy

we added 3g, it came as a bonus when we updated the wifi


and everyone would be going "wooo!" and "ahhhh!" and "wow!!" and generally be so blinded by the cool options they where getting and how smooth everything was going that it would come as real shock when they logged onto the forum one day to find the whole thing deleted apart from one post that said "so long...and thanks for all the cash!!"

honestly, if it WAS a scam it would have you all sucked in and doubting nothing, the reason for the bad communication etc is THERE REALLY IS A PANDORA, and they are too busy working on it to hold everybodys hand, if there wasn`t a Pandora then they would have all day to work out what posts to make to sucker you in and keep you happy.
lubidog said:
I'm searching for an analogy
I've got an analogy for you. You are a little donkey. You meet an ogre, who start to hang around with. The ogre meets a princess. They have to go on a long trip. You want to go with them. Not long after setting off, you ask "Are we there yet?" (about the the quote down, for those that would like to read)

WizardStan said:
You know what? I'm done again. I've tried to understand, tried to explain.
You know what, this really pisses me off. Not Stan's post, silly. The fact that all the bitchin n moanin keeps knowledgeable people from hanging around. People like Stan and Prophet have both felt the need to disappear at some time.
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There's nothing wrong with the forum, it's better than every other forum i've ever been too.

At the moment some people are getting a bit edgy about what is happening with their money, and so the same questions are coming up. This will calm down when the refunds are completed and there is a picture of a pandora. Untill then the people that get angry upon seeing these questions should not answer, and the people that want to ask questions should check to see if they've been asked before. THATS IT.

Of course very few people will read this and even fewer will stick to what i've said. But even if the forums stay as they are, it's not that bad how it is. It's the internet, and from what I can tell this forums conversation is about the same as real life, which is pretty good going.

People are always going to dissagree...
Bramrash said:
There's nothing wrong with the forum, it's better than every other forum i've ever been too.

At the moment some people are getting a bit edgy about what is happening with their money, and so the same questions are coming up. This will calm down when the refunds are completed and there is a picture of a pandora. Untill then the people that get angry upon seeing these questions should not answer, and the people that want to ask questions should check to see if they've been asked before. THATS IT.

Of course very few people will read this and even fewer will stick to what i've said. But even if the forums stay as they are, it's not that bad how it is. It's the internet, and from what I can tell this forums conversation is about the same as real life, which is pretty good going.

People are always going to dissagree...
I disagree. Oh, no, actually I agree. But I think we should fight about it anyway. :P
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Bramrash said:
There's nothing wrong with the forum, it's better than every other forum i've ever been too.

At the moment some people are getting a bit edgy about what is happening with their money, and so the same questions are coming up. This will calm down when the refunds are completed and there is a picture of a pandora. Untill then the people that get angry upon seeing these questions should not answer, and the people that want to ask questions should check to see if they've been asked before. THATS IT.

Of course very few people will read this and even fewer will stick to what i've said. But even if the forums stay as they are, it's not that bad how it is. It's the internet, and from what I can tell this forums conversation is about the same as real life, which is pretty good going.

People are always going to dissagree...
I agree with you there :)
It's interesting to read to which conclusions some people come while evaluating info ;)
That sounds assy, but honestly it isn't meant like that ;)
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Hey, I only asked about your nationality because what you wrote in English didn't make sense. No offence was meant, so no need for the crazy response...

But no offence taken!

But what really pisses us off are all the same threads made with no points apart from the same ones! (does that make sense...?) And they all claim to make subtly different points!

Can't we make one thread where people who want to bitch about it can bitch away, and people like me can just ignore it?