The Simpsons


Still Fresh
Nov 11, 2005
With the Gp2x almost here i decided to review the one game that i MUST have on my Gp2x when it arrives.

That game is The Simpsons.

Story[8.5/10] The story is pretty good. Which is saying something for an arcade game released in 1991. You play as one out of four Simpsons characters, and youre job is to save Maggie from Smithers (Whom we see kidnapping Maggie in the opening animation). What i dont get, however, is why the hell everyone is standing around in the opening sequence, while smithers takes Maggie? Look at smithers in the picture, and you'll ask yourself this question.......


Graphics[9/10] The graphics in this game are great. Everything is colorful, vibrant, cartoon-ish, and gives you that "Im watching an episode of The Simpsons" feeling. The characters are well animated, and each level draws you in to the game. While were on the graphics note, this game has more colors than its DOS/Commodore counterparts. Oh and do yourelves a favor, AVOID THE DOS/COMMODORE PORTS. They suck Ass when it comes to gameplay.
(Below, from Left, Commodore 64 Port, Arcade Version.)


Audio[10/10] This is one of the places the game shines, in my opinion. The Voice-Overs are great and the opening theme song even sounds like the original, and will grab your attention in the arcade (or at least in your house on MAME ;) ) The games soundtrack has some memorble tunes that are bound to get stuck in your head, and boss music definitely fits the mood. The music is definitely a plus about this game

Gameplay[8.0/10] This one hits somewhat of a snag on the gameplay side. While playability is excellent and all, this game can become gruesomely hard in a single player experience. I found myself getting my ass handed to me by the 7th level boss, whom took me 15 of my lives to beat :o ! Not to worry though, as the multiplayer is perfect. But a lone player will be beating his fists on the cabinet in no time....
(Below, 7th Level Boss...that bastard)


Overall[9/10] Overall, The SImpsons proves to be one hell of a game. Hell if i had the money id buy the cabinet, but alas, thats just a pipedream. This proves to be one of the best beat-em-ups and makes many other beat-em-ups inferior to it, eat its dust, or in this case, "eat its shorts"

(By the way i would like to know if this will be supported by the gp2x)
