The Retro/Vintage Electronic-Toy Thread

Løra (Lolla)

Empress of AquaLuna
Staff member
Mar 7, 2013
Surrey, England
Hi everyone!

I was having an electronic-toy nostalgia moment, and thought I would share.

If you have anything you remember, or your own "electronic-toy-nostalgic moment", or even just want to see what electronic-toys others used to play with, please feel free to post here and show us all :D.

I'll start by sharing mine:

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All but the Grandstand "My First Computer" were hand-me-downs from my older siblings. However, they all ended up being mine, and I have very fond memories playing with them all. I probably still have them around somewhere too :).
You remind me, I have a collection of 80's handheld electronic games which are taking a chunk of a room up. Over 150 easily.

I need to box them up and get them out of the living room
You remind me, I have a collection of 80's handheld electronic games which are taking a chunk of a room up. Over 150 easily.

I need to box them up and get them out of the living room

Quickly take photos of them and post here, first :p.

And if you're selling any - let me know :D
All I recognize is the little professor, which I have passed down to my daughter. For the others... I was from a poor family, so the Little Professor was all I got... the rest was "expensive toy"
I didn't have very many electronic toys. When I was a little bit older I got my Game Boy (and the NES, which was the family's, not mine), but I also remember cheap little noise makers and a Ninja Turtles thing that shot plastic discs if it had batteries, which mine usually didn't.
I remembered a few more things. When I was around 10 I had a calculator watch. Some people may not consider things like that a toy, but both watches and calculators are kinda like toys for me.

I think I had one of those LCD games. I remember opening one to try to change the background image. I remember putting a new picture in it, but I don't recall how successful I was with it (the polarizing film on the back was probably an issue). A bunch of friends had those types of games, but I found them boring, and would usually play GB Tetris or something instead.

I had a Tamagotchi at some point, but I may have been a young adult. The most entertaining thing about it was the clock hack, as I felt it was pointless to let it "grow" at normal speed and have essentially a needy electronic baby.

Probably not really considered a toy (it was electronic), but I pulled apart a tv remote control when I was fairly young to figure out how it worked.

I think someone in the family had one of those parrot things that reiterated what you said. Pretty sure it was my grandmother's, not mine.

My grandmother also had a digital piano that I played with a bunch.

I will be back if I remember more.

Do tape recorders count?
Do tape recorders count?
If you created your own radio programs with it...
I made "cassetten-post", a blend of funny jokes with soundeffects and some music (usually voiced over with funny text).
Swapped with kids from my neighbourhood.

@lukey: Yea, what is that? A dia projector? a camera?
I recorded some of my songs and various other stuff. I made mix tapes and recorded radio shows, but that wasn't done with the tape recorder.

Merlin is missing on that classic list
I didn't get mine until I was in my 20s. It is currently disassembled in a box.
Ah I thought you were older, I guess you didn't play with the old Daguerreotype cameras like I did back when I was young.
"Manufactured in France from (Circa) 1950"
I guess I thought you were younger.

I thought Polaroid cameras were cool when I was a kid. I still like them. Too bad I can't use mine.
I shared a frogger mini arcade with my brother, you had to put multiple of those big C-sized batteries in it. It was always fun until the batteries died.


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"Manufactured in France from (Circa) 1950"
I guess I thought you were younger.
Seeing how daguerrotype cameras were popular in the mid 19th century I'd say so. Or you could be missing the essence of my joke.