I am the collector


Advanced Member
Mar 9, 2010
"I am the collector"


So I was just looking up the Super Soaker Flash Flood water pistol, following a discussion on water pistols with a mate, and I stumbled upon this page and guys collection:

http://www.wcnews.com/chrisreid/supersoakers.html [few more pics inside]


He has quite a collection, looks like it would require a large shed to keep them all in.

So what collectors have we here, obviously a number of retro gaming collectors I'd imagine ... from early handhelds to game&watch to Grandstand table tops.

Drop your collector antics here.

I used to have quite a comic collection some years back, which included:



Bog Paper [which I never realised was from Marvel at the time]

Toxic [had to keep all of these ones, still think these were an amazing series with amazing artists]

Tank Girl


Also collected vinyl for a while during the 90's, could probably class my old Star Wars figure buying days as a collection, long gone now though.

Any lepidopterists in the house? :)

[PS: ] Is the 'Questions' board done? I couldn't create a new topic in there, greyed out.
He is ready for Water-War-Armageddon...

...as soon as the hosepipe ban is lifted :)
I collect books and video games books more because of my reading tendencies and video games Game and watches , virtual boy , Atari 2600 , Nes , sega genesis , sega 32 x ( have not purchased games yet :( ) , Snes , N64 , wii , odyssey 2 , one soon to be modded original Xbox , one normal Xbox , the entire US of A gameboy line ( excluding color variations ) , 2 game gears , Ds phat , Ds light ( somewhere ) , DSi , 3ds , neo geo pocket color various LCD games , and soon the Open Pandora

Please note I play all these .

I am the walrus ! :P
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I had a massive collection of 2000AD comics and what are now call graphic novels.

I had the complete 'DR and Quinch', Halo Jones and loads of Slaine and Judge Dredd complete stories.

Feel an eBay spree coming on...
I used to ahve oretty much All the Atari machines, among piles of Commodore, and random 8 and 16 bit consoles... and arcade gear; at my peak, I had the components (but not the actual cabinets) for about 300 or 400 arcade machines, and cabinets for a half dozen ... I've managed to give away and sell off much of it though. Onyl got parts for about 100 or 200 arcade machines now, and a dozen consoles... :)

I try to go for rare-awesome stuff .. not rare for rare sake.. but the stuff I always wanted to fiddle with as a kid; acquire, fiddle with it, squirrel it away :)

I'm sort of sad I gave away my Commodore PET machine; that was a huge beast (esp with peripherals), but it was a sexy beast :o Anyh computer that has a kickstand to hold up the top (liek a car hood) is aces in my books!

I used to ahve oretty much All the Atari machines, among piles of Commodore, and random 8 and 16 bit consoles... and arcade gear; at my peak, I had the components (but not the actual cabinets) for about 300 or 400 arcade machines, and cabinets for a half dozen ... I've managed to give away and sell off much of it though. Onyl got parts for about 100 or 200 arcade machines now, and a dozen consoles... :)

I try to go for rare-awesome stuff .. not rare for rare sake.. but the stuff I always wanted to fiddle with as a kid; acquire, fiddle with it, squirrel it away :)

I'm sort of sad I gave away my Commodore PET machine; that was a huge beast (esp with peripherals), but it was a sexy beast :o Anyh computer that has a kickstand to hold up the top (liek a car hood) is aces in my books!

You Gave the stuff away ?!! What about squirreling it away ?
"only" 100 it 200 machines... Thats still quite an amount mate :)

I get grief off the missus for the space taken up with my console collection, which by comparison is minor, consisting of Atari 2600, NES, SNES, SMS, SMD, SDC, couple XBOX, couple XBOX360, PS1, PS3, Wii and some Chinese console that's basically a NES in disguise.

Only the Wii, 360 and PS3 are out, the rest are stacked up in corner of room ... Waiting for when I have a big enough room that I can get a unit in that will hold them all.

That day is no time soon though sadly..

I used to buy graphic novels too but just a small collection of about 10 probably; have Batman classic one, Accident Man [from Toxic comic], ABC Warriors from 2000AD... Think I have a Slain one too still somewhere.
I just collect handhelds atm but when I was younger I used to collect stuff like, stamps (got bored), silver plated spoons (never really got into it) and coins (my dad stole most of my collection).
I'm not really a collector, but that picture remind me I have an old CPS1500 ready for whatever water action...
not really a collector, but i like to own every music cd that i actually like to listen to. ive noticed some of the CDs i have go for $250 on amazon. currently have about 150 CDs
I've been going through e-bay getting the old consoles I never had (or got rid of in my childhood). A rough list of what I have now from memory (excluding current gen stuff):



NES - original and 2nd release

SNES - original and 2nd release

N64 - regular unit

Gamecube - modded



Master System - original and 2nd release

Genesis - all three releases

Sega CD - 1&2






Turbo Grafx 16 - original and one with CD, region modded



PS1 - original(?) and the really small one

PS2 - I think I have both the original and smaller versions



Neo Geo

Neo Geo CD



XBox 1 modded with an Xecuter 3 chip.




I also have a 3DO, though I don't remember if it's Phillips or Panasonic.

I've been trying to figure out a way to put them all in some sort of huge entertainment center and turn one my bedrooms into a game room. I miss living in my house. :P

Ahh... I remembered I have some insurance pics in my google drive. Attaching now. I also have a pretty big movie collection as you will see from the pics.



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Wow, cartridge wall :)

I've gotten lazy lately.. I used to be hardcore about having all these original carts/disks around, but they take up too much space; I keep piles of original arcade gear around (mad levels!), and even after giving away and selling old gear still have a pretty respectible console/computer collection.. but getting rid of most of my softw2are stacks; keep the best, or interesting, or personal.. but get rid of most of it; I think I still have about 90% of the Atari 2600 carts, and a respectible pile of Atari ST disks.. I find disk media mostly went bad anyway, so why keep 1000 floppies around anymore :/

But damn you, now I need to not visit ebay :)
Wow, cartridge wall :)

Those are actually just blu-rays and DVD's. I built the shelf the last time I was home because I didn't have any good way to store that many movies. My cartridges and whatnot are on another shelf system and that collection is not too impressive.

Happy hunting on ebay. :D
^^ those are pretty awsome but I'm saving my cash for the Portland Retro gaming expo , also I'd probably be tempted to train with them until I surpass the dark Knight himself and then run around the roofs in MadeUpTown as the Gaming Thumb Of epicness ;)
Dont make me get out my Kick Off, Kick Off 2 and Player Manager collection... Including original artwork for the KO2 boxes ;)