The Relationship between Open Pandora GmbH & Open Pandora Ltd


Can't Remember
Aug 30, 2010
This was raised in this thread but on consideration it seems to be worthy of its own topic.

Although what is raised below is mostly addressed to Craig & ED I thought it would make sense to post it in the forums rather than via PM / email as other forumites may well have questions relating to this that I've not considered.

Anyway, on to the point :

Do you not think it would make sense for a clear statement detailing the relationship between Open Pandora Ltd & Open Pandora GmbH to be issued? I know this information is available if you carefully read the boards but understandably there seems to be a lot of confusion.

Hopefully this statement could answer questions like :

1) Are Open Pandora Ltd & Open Pandora GmbH part of the same company?

2) Who do I RMA my unit to?

3) How do I get a refund if I want to cancel my pre order?

4) Who do I order a Pandora from if I live in country X?

5) Which company will be fulfilling my pre order if I ordered the unit from Craig in the UK?


I know how busy you are but it strikes me that if this info was pinned on the boards & mentioned prominently on the official website then it might actually save you a bit of time from repeatedly answering the same queries.
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Hopefully this statement could answer questions like :

Well, that does make sense, but I'll try to answer your questions right away:

1) Are Open Pandora Ltd & Open Pandora GmbH part of the same company?

No. Both are different companies that worked together on the Pandora.

OP Ltd. is Craigs company in UK whereas OP GmbH is my company located in Germany.

Up until recently, OP Ltd. handled the production and OP GmbH paid for some parts and got units back in return.

This has changed now, as production is moving to Germany. OP GmbH will now take care of the full production (which makes sense if production happens in Germany ;) )

I'm currently buying the remaining usable parts from OP Ltd. as well.

2) Who do I RMA my unit to?

The first place to go is of course the place you bought it.

If you bought it from OP Ltd., then that's where your RMA should go. If you bought if from OP GmbH, it should go there.

HOWEVER: I agreed to fix ALL issues that I can fix: Case cracks, LCD cable problem and nub issues.

If you contact OP Ltd. with these issues, they will redirect you to OP GmbH. So if you're sure these are the only issues your unit has, then you can also directly send the RMA to me.

It's ALWAYS a good idea checking with whereever you bought your unit from before sending it anywhere :)

3) How do I get a refund if I want to cancel my pre order?

Contact the company where you preordered from, that is either OP Ltd. or OP GmbH.

4) Who do I order a Pandora from if I live in country X?

Right now you can only preorder on the website, regardless where you live.

These orders will all go to OP GmbH.

Once production is running fine, I'll try to get more distributors and Craig will probably also sell it in the UK, but until that is settled, it's the only place to preorder.

This is only for the production run in Germany. Both Craig and my shop might sell some Pandoras produced by the old company that have some flaws for a cheaper price.

5) Which company will be fulfilling my pre order if I ordered the unit from Craig in the UK?


The company where you ordered from will fulflll your order.

OP Ltd. will get Pandoras from OP GmbH to fulfill the remaining preorders.