The On-going Flu/blu Saga

It's bollocks. Go with the common sense you have on this one Sam. The room you were in was most likely brighter and made the screen look dimmer.

Maybe the sound of everyone in china shouting at your gp at the same time could have a small effect, but I'm sure your girly brother did no damage at all.
sam fisher posted on Jul 5 2004 at 02:39 PM said:
Just a little question. My friend was round just now and my brother screamed like a girl onto my gp32 trying to break it. My friend said that the blu light looks dimmer than it was the other day when he saw it and sound like that can damage LCD. He also said if the gp32 outer scrren is as thin as I tell him that it will damage that. My friend knows alot about computer but is any of that true? ;)
It seemed a littlee bit farfetched to me.
full of shit, the only realistic way that sound could damage it is if a stereo speaker fell onto the screen.
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The dimness of the light could be say your batteries about to pack in :-)

But the only way you brother could damage your gp32_console with sound would be to hit the resonant frequency of a part of it, like opera singers can do with wine glasses.

:lol: LAAAAAAAAA :lol: *shatter*
Opera singers can break very thin flute crystal glasses because the glass resonates at the same frequency as the held sustained Alto note.
Your little girly brother would find it hard to compete with them and for as long as them unless you whacked his arse hard with a cricket bat.
Secondly , your GP32 is not a fine crystal glass.
It is built like a brick shithouse in comparison.
You can shout all day at your GP32 and the only damage likely to occur would be from spit and slobber over the front.
Your GP32 is fine.
I would suggest getting your little brother and spit roasting him over an open fire whilst singing "Land Of Hope and Glory".
THAT will teach him not to scream like a girly....!!!!

Davey Fontan...
Original Mystical Ninja... :ph34r:
P.S for the politically Correct out there i don't really mean that he spit roasts his brother...i was only joking...Now go get the cricket bat...!!!
He's going out on a camping trip for 3 days on wednesday! hallauya or however its spelt.

You may be the orginal mystic ninja but I'm the original dumb fairy! (see my avatar)
i sneezed on my gp32 earlier, i think the whirlwind effect created in my nostril has rupture the a-b button input capacitator.

my friend, who knows a lot about a-b button input capacitators ;) says that the a-b button input capacitator isn't functioning like it was the other day when he last saw it.
sebastian_insua posted on Jul 1 2004 at 03:42 PM said:
Hey Spam (fisher) do you also get small black lines (to small to have been seen on a FLu) which scroll from left to right and are only visible on emulators (so far I've only seen them there anyway)...

Why didn't you post this under the crooked(sp) post rather than making a separate post (that's just silly)...


Sorry - I just found that incredibly funny and your post was worthy of being mentioned again :D
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sam fisher posted on Jul 11 2004 at 11:15 AM said:
I am now having problems with aqua fishes firmware.

explain in a bit more detail please...
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sam fisher posted on Jul 11 2004 at 12:15 PM said:
I am now having problems with aqua fishes firmware.
Waaaaaahhhhhh... [runs away] ;)

Did you read my mini-tutorial in the news thread about the firmware?
Didn't that help?
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(regains composure)

Sam - maybe you should send your GP32 back and get one of those cheap £5 block tetris-type games that people tend to leave in their toilets to play on the bog....

Then again - that has electronics in it, so it wouldn't last long.

Ah well!
Damn Sam :angry:. Next time you get it working just leave it. Don't try turning it on or anything, just put it in a light proof, sound proof, sam proof, everything proof container and leave it. At least you'll be safe in the knowledge that it works.