Wait For Blu Or Just Get A Flu?


i cant think of a good custom member title. Sugges
May 31, 2004
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Im thinking about getting a GP32 (had one a year ago but had to sell cos i was skint :( ). Question is, should I wait for a BLU or just go ahead and get a FLU? What are the advantages of the BLU? Is GBAx the only place in the UK to sell them? Also, when are they realistically gonig to be released? Cheers
I was told today that the BLU's will be shipped to me this week, but alas not by UPS so its going to take 5 days. So they will be here next week.

The FLU's have an awful fail rate so i'd recommend the GP32BLU.

At the moment there isn't much diffrence between GP32 and Zodiac emu/game wise... however the Z is also a PDA.


I was told today that the BLU's will be shipped to me this week, but alas not by UPS so its going to take 5 days. So they will be here next week.

The FLU's have an awful fail rate so i'd recommend the GP32BLU.

At the moment there isn't much diffrence between GP32 and Zodiac emu/game wise... however the Z is also a PDA.


How many BLUs do you expect to get? Will there be any available for non-pre orders?
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The FLU's have an awful fail rate so i'd recommend the GP32BLU.
Nobody told us that when we were buying them :rolleyes: :D

Although I did find out for myself (first one failed) :P
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taras - When did you buy your FLU? I've noticed that most of the FLUs that have been dieing are rather recent ones, ones ordered in 2004 and maybe late 2003.
don't recall hearing many people complaining about FLU failures (poll time?)

BLU will look nicer of course but for what it's worth, I think the FLU looks great - it is cheaper - and it won't suck your batteries up quite as terribly as BLU.

I think they did a great job on the FLU install as well. If money/convenience is an issue, you can see what I am trying to say.

at this point if you can float the dough, you might want to investigate the zodiac a little more carefully (but personally, if it was my the choice, I'd still just get a GP)
BLU will look nicer of course but for what it's worth, I think the FLU looks great - it is cheaper - and it won't suck your batteries up quite as terribly as BLU.
There it is again - someone criticising a device none of us have yet seen for having poor battery life. On what do you base that opinion? Do you actually know there's something different (and indeed worse) about the BLU battery life?
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it was being stated pretty commonly around here pretty recently, it seems like a safe assumption (BLU sucking up batteries)

But I agree, you are right = it's not fair to judge the damned thing until it's actually out and someone's seen it and tested it firsthand.
I just got my ZODIAC last week , and its great. :P . (Thanks for the quick delivery Craig - 24 Hours) and its great for me because i like bright displays , and the Zodiac is one bright Display.
Oh , i,m going to still keep my GP32 FLU gp32_console , until Craig gets in the BLU units (again bacause i like the clarity & contrast of a bright display)
I think BOTH Emulators are such great devices , and if i hadn,t used the GP32 and realised the potential that it has i probably wouldn,t have got the Zodiac either.

I,m not so worried about battery life (i,m using 2300ma Nimh rechargables from Argos @ $14.99) as long as the Display is better.
I think the display goes a long way towards game / video / photo etc enhancement and backlit units do it for me.
Saves squinting as well...
All the Best Kids...Enjoy your games.

Davey Fontan - Retired kungfu Ninja King :ph34r:
I also just bought some 2300 mAh rechargable batteries, for when my BLU arrives. However, I've noticed that on some AA batteries the voltage is 1.5, but mine are only 1.2V. Does this matter?