I just got my ZODIAC last week , and its great.

. (Thanks for the quick delivery Craig - 24 Hours) and its great for me because i like bright displays , and the Zodiac is one bright Display.
Oh , i,m going to still keep my GP32 FLU gp32_console , until Craig gets in the BLU units (again bacause i like the clarity & contrast of a bright display)
I think BOTH Emulators are such great devices , and if i hadn,t used the GP32 and realised the potential that it has i probably wouldn,t have got the Zodiac either.
I,m not so worried about battery life (i,m using 2300ma Nimh rechargables from Argos @ $14.99) as long as the Display is better.
I think the display goes a long way towards game / video / photo etc enhancement and backlit units do it for me.
Saves squinting as well...
All the Best Kids...Enjoy your games.
Davey Fontan - Retired kungfu Ninja King
