The Official Best Deals Topic

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mrben posted on Dec 15 2006 at 12:04 PM said:
cHEM posted on Dec 13 2006 at 12:30 PM said:
I've found 2gb Kingston SD cards today at for £20.95

this is by far the cheapest I've found. not just for SD cards, but for Kingston, I think this is unbeatable.

You can get 2GB Kingston cards for £16.17 on Amazon UK.;s=electronics

Alternatively, they also do 2GB Viking cards for £12.78;s=electronics

Just ordered a 2GB Kingston SD card from Amazon. Total cost was just under £20.00. Considering I paid £35 for a 512MB card from Argos because 1 -I knew there would be no problem exchanging it/getting a refund if it wasnt compatible and 2 -I knew Id need one.

Resellers really need to have better bundle options. I would have gladly paid £200 for GP2X, a decent sized card and a PSU - safe in the knowledge it would have all worked.

I know it sounds like Im having a moan but Im really happy with kit I got - the devkit works, the unit works - I just feel a bit let down on the availible options.
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Shikaku posted on Dec 5 2006 at 05:21 PM said:
Sanyo Eneloop batteries, look up on some of the interesting features they have. They are very slow self discharging NIHM batteries basically. Here they are with free shipping (US only).

AA 4-pack for 9.99:
AAA 4-pack for 7.99:

does anyone know what the mA rating on the Enerloops are, or how long the GP2X runs on them at a standard clock speed? i can't find this info. they do look promising.
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Although this has previously posted in another section of the site, this may have been missed by some folk.

4GB SD for £17.99 !
Don't forget the 2GB one for £9.49 and the card reader... (for 4gb cards)
and reader

Also if you get 4gb Sd-hc card, its not 'As advertised' and you can return it - or they can offer you a non SD-HC card - at least I think that's the law... Anyway I found their customer support really great (if they're really not being sensible you can always use their own media against them :ph34r: )

Expect super slow dane-elec (not that bad..), but you might be pleasantly surprised. 7dayshop is also good for Ireland - but then maybe I'm the only one :unsure:

Btw the first post is horribly out of date, maybe it could be updated by some mod... ;) I know... its a lot of work...
Last edited by a moderator: has a CRAZY week until Thursday, April 5th with 20% discount on all in-stock items! My GP2X was shipped yesterday, they are out of stock now but you can still hope they get new ones! GP2X Value Pack for only 114 Euros!

I got 3 2GB Kingston SD cards for £23 thanks to the £10 off google check out offer!

TelcoLou said:
Nice USB Joypad, cheap.

We just ordered 2 of these, and somethign else for a gift, got free shipping (anything over $24 is free), and it will arrive by Friday :D

I would order one but the lamers only ship to USA?
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Miika said:
TelcoLou said:
Nice USB Joypad, cheap.

We just ordered 2 of these, and somethign else for a gift, got free shipping (anything over $24 is free), and it will arrive by Friday :D

I would order one but the lamers only ship to USA?

It'd be cheaper to buy locally, rather than with postage from US...
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TelcoLou said:
Nice USB Joypad, cheap.

We just ordered 2 of these, and somethign else for a gift, got free shipping (anything over $24 is free), and it will arrive by Friday :D

To my surprise, I came home last night to a box sitting near my garage door. They came!

The D-pad seems flimsy at first, but feels nice and tactile during use. It's got 10 buttons too, including 4 shoulder buttons. Overall a very nice usb gamepad that works well with everything I tried it with :)
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