GP32 Hardcore
I'm looking to get another 2GB card, my 4GB card is currently taken by "other" things right now.
I'm torn between 2 cards, both the same price. And im stuck in one of those bad indecisive moods and i really dont know which to pick.
There is this Kingston card.
And then there is this SanDisk card.
The SanDisk is 133x while the Kingston is only 120x, however i've noted that the kingston claims to be low power consumption, which given the battery life of the gp2x could come in handy. Though thinking about it could the power drawn from SD card really make THAT much of a differance to the battery life? I doubt it but you never know, if it could squeeze another 30mins from it thats good in my books.
Either way thats why im torn between them, SanDisk is slightly faster, yet Kingston claims to be better for your batteries.
Any pearls of wisdom or thoughts to which would be better would be very gratefully received
A second opinion can never be a bad thing 
I'm torn between 2 cards, both the same price. And im stuck in one of those bad indecisive moods and i really dont know which to pick.
There is this Kingston card.
And then there is this SanDisk card.
The SanDisk is 133x while the Kingston is only 120x, however i've noted that the kingston claims to be low power consumption, which given the battery life of the gp2x could come in handy. Though thinking about it could the power drawn from SD card really make THAT much of a differance to the battery life? I doubt it but you never know, if it could squeeze another 30mins from it thats good in my books.
Either way thats why im torn between them, SanDisk is slightly faster, yet Kingston claims to be better for your batteries.
Any pearls of wisdom or thoughts to which would be better would be very gratefully received