The Most Horrible Games Of All Time!

oooh! this sounds fun... :D

cybermorph for the jaguar...omfg...that game was SOOOO 3d :lol:

ummmm...everything 3do...damned near everything EA...ALL movie based games...

oooh! one underrated game that I thought was fun for n64 was starshot...a bit odd...but pretty fun... :lol:

good goo...i hate a lot of games...
ff7 made me want to throw my ps1 out the window run over it with a bulldozer put it in a woodchipper send it off into space where some aliens would zap all the lil pieces into oblivion


cybermorph is badass
loz_the_guru posted on Jul 7 2004 at 04:52 PM said:
Worst game ever? Ive got Stunt Race FX on the SNES, and thats a waste of a cart if ever there was one. I know it was revolutionary for the time, what with the "awesome" 3D graphics and all, but its sucked. Badly. On the subject of the SNES, Fever Pitch is a truly awful game that i LOVE!!! Me and mates spent days on that, laughing at how bad it was, but also loving it for being so bad. FIRE KICK!!!! You can score from anywhere in the oppositions half without aiming the shot so long as you have the right power up so to speak. Awesome.
Try to beat ShaqFu buddy, try to beat ShaqFu.....
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CrazyDesi posted on Jul 8 2004 at 04:18 AM said:
loz_the_guru posted on Jul 7 2004 at 04:52 PM said:
Worst game ever? Ive got Stunt Race FX on the SNES, and thats a waste of a cart if ever there was one. I know it was revolutionary for the time, what with the "awesome" 3D graphics and all, but its sucked. Badly. On the subject of the SNES, Fever Pitch is a truly awful game that i LOVE!!! Me and mates spent days on that, laughing at how bad it was, but also loving it for being so bad. FIRE KICK!!!! You can score from anywhere in the oppositions half without aiming the shot so long as you have the right power up so to speak. Awesome.
Try to beat ShaqFu buddy, try to beat ShaqFu.....
Ballz for the Megadrive.
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declaration posted on Jul 2 2004 at 01:54 PM said:
Super Mario Brothers 2 (eww!)
It was because it was just the game "Doki Doki Panic" (I think that's how you spell it) with changed charachter skins, it was nintendo being lazy (which has got worse and worse...). I hate all survival horror games because they're just boring and shite. I always though camegeddon was shite. Also postal, it gives running with scissors such a bad name since the sequal is so undoubtadly brilliant. Also I pretty much hate the GBA and in general most of the games that came with it. PORT!
I've almost grown to dislike nintendo for that, it's so cheap imo. It started a long long time ago and has got worse progressivly. Probably the most irratating was the fact that all the mario games were ports and had mario brothers with them as another game which you could play with a mate. They did it on every one and just to be even worse they're re-realsing old NES games for the GBA on £20 carts and one of them is that single game! meh nintendo take the piss.
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It's weird that when someone asks for peoples favourite games of all time I can usually reel of a list as long as a very long thing. When asked to list games I hated it's a struggle. I guess it's because I usually research before purchasing. Anyway brainstorming session.

*3 hours later*

The first batch of PS2 releases - I sold my Dreamcast for this? Tekken 3 was shite compared to Soul Calibre, Timesplitters was crap as a solo game, Ridge Racer V - yawn. It Probably wasn't the worse set of launch games on a console by a long shot, but I'd just sold my Dreamcast with most of the best games on it to afford the PS2. When GTA came out it washed away my anger though. ;)
project eden on the ps2, is youv'e played you'll no why and if you haven't count yourself lucky, shit graphics, shit gameplay, shit story just plain shit <_<
CrazyDesi posted on Jul 7 2004 at 04:43 PM said:
On top of that they put so many cheats in to win that it just gets sad after a while. Thats what I hate the most. The games also next to impossible without cheats.
My two brothers had spent many hours playing GTA:VC and gotten all of the packages and properties and were just finishing up all they needed for 100%. They had cheated all the way through, of course. Infinite ammo, weapons, health and damage cheats. So I thought an extra one wouldn't count. My youngest brother Mike left the game paused and warned me not to touch it. I browsed the stats, got bored and unpaused, set the 'groupies' cheat, and left.

It was supposed to be innocent fun, as Mike would inevitably walk down the street to find hordes of girls following him and shooting at passers-by for him. Unfortunately he had saved the game beforehand. When the groupies following him made a mess, he decided to reload... except saving the game with cheats enabled permanently corrupts it.

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It was supposed to be innocent fun, as Mike would inevitably walk down the street to find hordes of girls following him and shooting at passers-by for him. Unfortunately he had saved the game beforehand. When the groupies following him made a mess, he decided to reload... except saving the game with cheats enabled permanently corrupts it.


So, you're a ghost now right, haunting these boards? :P
Rico posted on Jul 10 2004 at 09:24 PM said:
My two brothers had spent many hours playing GTA:VC and gotten all of the packages and properties and were just finishing up all they needed for 100%. They had cheated all the way through, of course. Infinite ammo, weapons, health and damage cheats. So I thought an extra one wouldn't count. My youngest brother Mike left the game paused and warned me not to touch it. I browsed the stats, got bored and unpaused, set the 'groupies' cheat, and left.

It was supposed to be innocent fun, as Mike would inevitably walk down the street to find hordes of girls following him and shooting at passers-by for him. Unfortunately he had saved the game beforehand. When the groupies following him made a mess, he decided to reload... except saving the game with cheats enabled permanently corrupts it.

they had to cheat to finish the game?? :huh: not being an ass or anything but you get so much money from the missions that there is no reason to. you dont even need to buy any weapons once you manage to find all the packages
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Yeah, but to actually get those properties they were basically storming every level with the best weapons and healing their cars when they got knocked up etc.
CrazyDesi posted on Jul 7 2004 at 04:43 PM said:
Q-Wi-Q posted on Jul 7 2004 at 02:28 PM said:
CrazyDesi posted on Jul 7 2004 at 04:59 AM said:
Heres the most controversial one:

The WHOLE Grand Theft Auto Series.

Not because of violence, but just because I think its bad.  I bought GTA1 and 2 which I atleast could live with.  I bought 3 because I liked it at a friends house and I brought it home and thought it sucked(don't know why).  My brother bought Vice City with GTA3 in the double pack.  So I really have 2 GTA3s, and I think the whole series sucks.  Who knows why?
... O.o

GTA is really great imho: good gameplay, good music, good mood, ...
I don't mind the games as much as I mind all the idiots that have never played a game before that think its the greatest game of all time and that they are the best players ever.

On top of that they put so many cheats in to win that it just gets sad after a while. Thats what I hate the most. The games also next to impossible without cheats.
Nah, Vice City is not that hard :) I haven't finished it yet, I'm about one mission from the end ("The Driver" - hardest mission in the entire game if you ask me). It's just a game you have to play a lot of hours to get really good at... but once you've managed to get really good, it's SO relaxing :)

(I've had the pc version over a year, got it the day it got out. Almost at the end. Got the ps2-version aswell, and I've run through about half of the game (no side missions, just the plain stuff you need to do) in about a month...

My pc data is only 47% though ;), but getting 100 is total madness, I give you that ^^

it's still relaxing and fun to me though ^^ (mainly because of the music)

oh and about that encarta thingy: that was A GAME?!
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Twimfy posted on Jul 11 2004 at 01:30 AM said:
OOOh I've just remembered the worst game I've played...that annoying medieval quiz game found on microsoft encarta from '95 god that sucked.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i remember that. youre joking right?? that game was too good. i used to play it for ages

and to q-wi - uuuhhhh youve had it a year and you havent even completed it? you must play that at a rate of about 2 seconds a week. and to the other guy who said its next to impossible without cheats: ITS EASY. i didnt use any cheats and i completed it in about 3 months (about 90%). 3 months is a long time but theres so much stuff to do. it only took me a bored sunday morning to go around and collect all the packages too
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well, I had it, played it about a month, put it aside, and picked it up about 11 months after ;) (because I didn't like it that first month, I sucked too hard)

and indeed: packages are quite easy to find aswell :)

I just like the general feel of the game, the blast from the past, the exaggeration, the witty remarks ("Wave! Where the boys were more make-up than the girls! ...SMASHING!"), ...$

it's a great experience :) and it doesn't boring all that fast to me ^^
Resident Evil. I can't believe how retarded the controls are. I played it for about three minutes trying to help my misses get past a section and I was ready to smash the pad into little pieces. The 'dynamic camera angles' are reason for the rotate/walk control method and make it totally arse in my opinion.
Memnoch posted on Jul 31 2004 at 04:47 PM said:
Resident Evil. I can't believe how retarded the controls are. I played it for about three minutes trying to help my misses get past a section and I was ready to smash the pad into little pieces. The 'dynamic camera angles' are reason for the rotate/walk control method and make it totally arse in my opinion.
I agree with everything you just said...yet I can't stop playing the damn things!

Why? :blink:

PS - Res Evil 4 looks fantastic, though. Seriously.
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*clears throat*

1. The only decent version of resident Evil thus far has been the GC remake. Seriously it makes the whole game SOOOOO much better. Also the graphics are all sparkly.

2. very few games are impossible without cheating, in fact i would almost go so far as to say NO game is impossible without cheating. Of course, not having played every game in existence I can't actually verify that ;)

now then games I hate:

Football games: All of them, management, playing; the whole fucking lot....grrr....

Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness Holy mother of god this game makes me feel like stabbing someone. Preferably an incarnaion of Lara Croft :angry:

Any game on the X-box with an exclamation mark in the title Such as "Whacked!" or "Mad Dash!" all Microsoft made, all shit.

and as much as I love my N64 a lot of its games were exceddingly poor, witness "Superman 64", fortunately I never even saw a copy of it running but the reviews and a few stills were enough to have me running for the hills.