The Legend Of Zelda: Link Gets Laid


May 17, 2004
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Legend of Zelda: Link gets Laid
This review is for [18] year olds and over due to explicit sexual references and crude language, please don't read if you are under [18] or [21 in some countries]. You have been warned...

Welcome to my review of a GameBoy game running on a GP32 GameBoy emulator. I thank you for taking time out to read it!

LoZ: Link gets Laid is a hacked version of LoZ: Link's Awakening. I don't know who made it exactly, but it must be someone with an even filthy mouth than I, because I could never of thought of the things used in this game, and I don't think any of you could of dreamt of it either. [Unless you are really sick like me.] :D

Normal story I would say, you wake up on a desert island with your dick snapped off I think, then you go to the beach and pick it up. You then found out something about these sex toys which you must collect in each dungeon to then defeat the evil boss at the end. I won't ruin it for you, so go play it, just search for Legend of Zelda Link gets Laid on any search site.

Okay, this is the crummy part. The game runs on some GB emulator, and it runs perfectly fine, great speed and different variations of the monochrome to fiddle around with on the emulator. I can not remember the emulators name, sorry... The hack was of the monochrome version of LoZ: Link's Awakening, so that means its in black and white..but the sprites are okay, most have been hacked to resemble sexual objects, [Butt plugs, condoms, penises, cliterisises et cetera], so it is all good.

No different from its un-hacked counter part I'd say, just the same chirpy tunes and evil songs. No surprises, skip this!

I don't know if it is because I have not played this game in a while, or if it is because it is hacked, but the controls are quite hard on the GP32, so you may need some time to get used to them, but the gameplay is good, it is fuild and accurate enough to get you by.

OVERALL: ~8/10~
A great and very funny game to play on a boring afternoon, very sick in some parts, but incredibly funny in others!

Thank you for reading my review, take care~!
well, this a hacked rom, but I will second everything you said!
its great to play and hunt the " omni-negro "
lol , " you found your dick! "
quotes like that wouldnt work in most games, but it does here
and its hilarious when you charge up your... dick

I am glad you agree with me! Although it is quite sick sometimes.. Omni-Negro is very politically-incorrect these days, so I think we should not mention it!

It seems I have got to play this sometime.


Thanks for writing the review keep it up.
It's a funny hack. I played it a little last year on my Zodiac. It's pretty comical when you "find your dick" instead of sword. It's just so incredibly stupid, and the sprite that accompanies it is so awful, that it's funny. ;) I never played up to this "omni negro" thing you mentioned. But the whole point of this hack is to be tasteless and politically incorrect, so it doesn't matter. It's like an off-base stand-up comedy act. People shouldn't get upset over comedy, there's way too much real life stuff to get upset over. ;)
I know who made it, but I'm not sure if he wants me to give out his online name.

And yeah, it has a healthy amount of humor in it. Personally, I think the sprites could be better, but it was a long time ago that I played this hack.

CAN your balls actually dry up? o_O
I am glad you liked the review, I am also glad I did pick a game that I thought would get me banned, but didnt!
Holy crap!!?! Why should this get you banned? It's okay to say penis in the internet.

But do never ever say R*MS or W*REZ here, or you will be hit by a large object. In the head. Hard.
Whatever chance you would have gotten even warned was erased with handy "18 only!" warning. Thanks.

Really, just look at the Chatbox to see that we really don't care about that type of stuff here ;)
Well that's good, I am just wondering why you can say 'cunt' or 'cock-head' but you can't say 'r*ms' or *w"rez" (whatever the hell w"rez means)
Romz are illegal, Linking to sites that contain romz is illegal, Or posting links to sites that contain links to sites that contan links to romz etc, You get the picture, Are against board rules ;)

Same above can be said for warez (illegal, cracked, copied software).

Swearing is not illegal. ;) But there are different tolerance levels depending on age, sex, religion and location.

Btw: 'cock-head' thats a new one on me, I`ve heard of dick-head or give-head. :rolleyes:

Ah the chatbox, the smuttiest place on the net*

*this forum**

**the offtopic section

There are some weird hacks out there; I downloaded a bunch, there is even shit like the KKK brothers (mario bros hack). Also asking for roms is a no no although I dont mind telling people if they ask me (in the privacy of a pm mind :P)
Ah the chatbox, the smuttiest place on the net*

*this forum**

**the offtopic section

There are some weird hacks out there; I downloaded a bunch, there is even shit like the KKK brothers (mario bros hack). Also asking for roms is a no no although I dont mind telling people if they ask me (in the privacy of a pm mind :P)
We'll all remember that.
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