The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past 2

There's a new Yoshi's Island game coming too, hopefully it'll be better than the DS version (which I thought didn't add much to the original)
I don't like the 3D-ish look though, would've preffered some good pixe art :(
I know what you mean, but IT'S ZELDA! A new ZELDA game. :wub:

Besides, everyone hated the look of WindWaker when images first appeared. To date it's still one of the best Zelda games.

And at least Link doesn't have  pink hair in this one!
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Link To The Past already had a sequel: Link's Awakening, followed by the Oracle games. Or the other way around, I was never quite sure.
I know what you mean, but IT'S ZELDA! A new ZELDA game. :wub:
Yes, but they already screwed up some Zeldas before...
Besides, everyone hated the look of WindWaker when images first appeared. To date it's still one of the best Zelda games.
Absolute worst one for me, but not because of the look.I found the look okay, but I was missing dungeons.

There were a few quick dungeons at the beginning, after that, 10 hours sailing around looking for Triforce pieces (which weren't even hidden in dungeons), which was the most boring thing I ever did, and after that, there were one or two dungeons and that's it.

The DS Zeldas also weren't that good... the first one had that annoying dungeon which you had to redo a couple of times, just to go one step further...

I never finished the second one as I HATE that train ride! Oh, how I wished they made that optional, just select where you want to go and that's it...

I still found it a bit better than Wind Waker...

Here's my Zelda-TopTwelve:

1. Twilight Princess (many unique but not too long dungeons which are all fun to play).

2. Ocarina of Time (similar to TP, just had some issues with the camera usage back then).

3. A Link to the Past

4. Link's Awakening

5. The Oracle-Series

6. Skyward Sword (not that many dungeons)

7. Legend of Zelda

8. Minish Cap (good game, but not my graphics style)

9. Both DS Zelda games

10. Majoras Mask (good game, but too confusing to find out everything yourself)

11. The Adventure of Link

12. Wind Waker (I didn't think I bought a sailing simulation game...)

What I like most about Zelda is that you have an overworld that expands with special items you get (as you can reach new areas), and that each dungeon has normally one new item.

The dungeons are set up so you can play through each in 1 - 3 hours.

That's what I really love about Zelda. I don't have much time for playing games, and I hate it when I have to quit somewhere inbetween and can't pick it up for a few weeks.

With Zelda, I play one dungeon and that's it. They're not too long.

I am actually scared, as Nintendo announced that the WiiU Zelda will not have the classical small-dungeon-style system, but really huge dungeons (but fewer), each as big as the Ocarina of Time Overworld.

That's not what I want to play... I want medium-sized, interesting and unique dungeons.

Every Zelda up to Wind Waker did that right, in my opinion, and Twilight Princess was similar.
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The timeline within the Zelda worlds is constantly at odds with itself. Nintendo have stated that pretty much each Link is a different Link in a different universe, although most recently the Zelda overseer had this to say -

Who knows? Who cares? It's a new Zelda game!
Nintendo released an official timeline in the meantime though :)
My top Zelda games, in order -

Majora's Mask - too confusing? Pah! :P It required lots and lots of hard work, but was extremely rewarding

Ocarina Of Time

Skyward Sword (except for that stupid worm boss thingy - beating that repeatedly pissed me off)

WindWaker - There were too few dungeons, but the game itself was great. I even loved the sailing exploration. There were so many quests too.

Phantom Hour Glass - I loved the ideas and the control system

Minish Cap - the only 2D Zelda game I actually didn't get bored of.

Rwilight Princess - Just too dull and empty. The world was boring and so were most of the dungeons.

Spirit Tracks

Four Swords - very good with two players

Link To The Past

Oracle of Ages/Seasons

I've not played the GB or CDi ones.

BTW I have various Zelda tunes as my ringtone and text tone on my phone. :D
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I really wish they'd just written an official history using the games as metaphors, instead of trying to shoe-horn every game literally into the official timeline somewhere. The first two Zelda games were great and established the basis for a mythos, but they were long before linearity was even considered, their stories don't necessarily have to intertwine with what came later. In Link to the Past, we learn about the Hylian sages who sealed away Ganondorf, but in Ocarina of Time we learn that they weren't all Hylian: they could have said of the game "this stuff happened and this is how historians think it went down, but they were wrong and this is how it actually happened". And every game has changed the history, sometimes drastically. I'm still not convinced that Skyward Sword was originally conceived as a Zelda game, so different is it from everything that came before it; I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be something else, possibly something entirely original, with Zelda themes added to it after it had already been started.What I'm saying is that trying to force a history to include all the games makes me realize just how many differences there are between games, and how the history cannot line up for all of them, is very disconcerting to me: it is the uncanny valley of story telling, trying to suggest continuity where it cannot be.
A Link To The Past 2 looks like a Mario game to me.  I was very disappointed with Skyward Sword because I thought the art style was perfect, I loved the way everything looked and thought it had a great story too, but aiming and controlling weapons and items is so silly and needlessly difficult.  Z-targetting still exists but it does nothing, you have to aim everything with early laser camera technology, and the Wiimote forgets which *way up was every half minute of moving it around.  I wish that Nintendo experimenting with new gaming methods and Zelda could be kept separate.

Newest Navi reminded me of that option it gives you in New Super Mario Brothers if you die too many times, to just let Luigi beat the level for you.

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