A Commando
I whipped up a little something:
Shader+VBO example
In my most humbly little amount of knowledge about OpenGL, I'd say this would be about the simplest example I can think of that doesn't use a fixed pipeline or immediate mode. I really know just the basics on the subject and there were many new things for me to hack together to get this working. I would like comments. Would this work with OGLES2?
Compile with:
Used tutorials and sources:
Shader+VBO example
In my most humbly little amount of knowledge about OpenGL, I'd say this would be about the simplest example I can think of that doesn't use a fixed pipeline or immediate mode. I really know just the basics on the subject and there were many new things for me to hack together to get this working. I would like comments. Would this work with OGLES2?
Compile with:
g++ main.cpp -lglut -lGL -lGLU -lGLEW
Used tutorials and sources:
- (VBOs)
- NeHe lesson 2 (GLUT skeleton)
- Swiftless (shaders)