The Future Of Popular Gadgets - Mp4 Players/pmc


PSP pwner
Mar 9, 2004
Southampton/Ashley Green
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So another xmas has passed and once again one of the most popular gifts has been mp3 players, along with this i've noticed that a few people have recieved portable video players.

this lead to a convo around the dinner table today about whether or not PMC would see that same take up as mp3 players.

my step dad (who loves to argue, i mean LOVES) was convinced that the same take up will indeed be seen, i however, am far more skeptical.

in my eyes music and video are such different beasts that a mass take up of video players for portable use just won't occur.

the great thing about music is that it can be used all the time, for example, whilst driving i have my karma plugged into the stereo, back home on the laptop and winamp is playing through my tunes, for decent sound and purposeful listening the karma gets transferred to the dock and played through the stereo.

i cannot see the same thing happening with video, there is very little time in my life when i want to sit down and watch something, whenever i do my laptop/tv screen is there. for this reason i do not see PMCs becoming mass popular.

listening is easy to do as a passive activity, watching is not like this

what do you think?
Hey fellow karma owner ;)

Yeah I like you don't see that mobile video is a "killer app", I've never bothered installing gpcinema for my gp32 etc - just doesn't appeal to me. However from reading the posts here a lot of people are interested in it. Here is a related link; makes for interesting reading...
also the new ipods with a colour screen seem relativly redundant

whos gonna sit there and view picures

digital cameras have theor own bludy screens

i think pocket pcs are the way forward

I have 2Gb of memory, a portbal audio/video system

a retro games console

a handheld console

a word processor

and a digital organisor

all for under £200
yup, pocket pc's are the new killer gadget, one of my stupider friends is even getting one
its all in the size, if you love music ur not gonna wanna stuff one a these
in ur pckt
more like one a these


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they are sooo crap, i thought they were good till IU found out you couldn't use your own films

I saw one of these in a local toy shop whilst lookign for chrimbo pressies my younger family

they are fecking huge


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