Gp32 Media Players


Certified Guru
Sep 10, 2004
Middle of Nowhere, USA
It seems as though there are a lot of media (music, specifically) players on the GP32--including that one that is actually included in the firmware. I am most interested in MP3 and WMA playback on my GP32. What is the suggested media player, and how good is the GP32 firmware player?

Also, do any of these players have Zip file support, like so many of the emulators?

Thanks! :)

Movie player - CPcinema
MP3 player - there are many
OGG player -Svorbis
may i suggest converting your music files (mp3, wma, whatever) to OGG vorbis, its much smaller... then play those files with svorbis, yogg or that winamp port player...

"and how good is the GP32 firmware player?"
- the firmware is the bios, it aint multimedia.
you can change it (called flashing) just dont turn off the gp32 while flashing. this will give you a new menu when turning on your gp32

I tried MadPlay, it's okay, shame it doesn't support 166mhz, as when you enable the equiliser, the mp3 is played back at the wrong rate, it's slower :( . It's good otherwise though.

I'm presently using the WMA/MP3 player Version 0.39 by Omega. I find this is the easiest to use. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but it's exactly what I need :)

WarmFluffyUK posted on Sep 18 2004 at 06:52 PM said:

I tried MadPlay, it's okay, shame it doesn't support 166mhz, as when you enable the equiliser, the mp3 is played back at the wrong rate, it's slower :( . It's good otherwise though.

I'm presently using the WMA/MP3 player Version 0.39 by Omega. I find this is the easiest to use. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but it's exactly what I need :)

not much point having it runn at 166 as it would just be a waste of batterys.
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sam fisher posted on Sep 18 2004 at 09:41 PM said:
not much point having it runn at 166 as it would just be a waste of batterys.

Unless of course you got a handbag full of batteries LOL.
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WarmFluffyUK posted on Sep 18 2004 at 09:22 PM said:
sam fisher posted on Sep 18 2004 at 09:41 PM said:
not much point having it runn at 166 as it would just be a waste of batterys.

Unless of course you got a handbag full of batteries LOL.

Indeed :blink:
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I use madmp3, I usually have it in the side pocket of my rucksack when im on bike or walking. Looks good (although I dont really see it), only problem is when im biking and it gets to the end of my songs it just stops which means I either have to ride with no hands and attempt to play again or stop.
WarmFluffyUK posted on Sep 18 2004 at 12:52 PM said:

I tried MadPlay, it's okay, shame it doesn't support 166mhz, as when you enable the equiliser, the mp3 is played back at the wrong rate, it's slower :( . It's good otherwise though.

I'm presently using the WMA/MP3 player Version 0.39 by Omega. I find this is the easiest to use. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but it's exactly what I need :)


Usually increasing the speed above or below 132MHz will degrade the sound.
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