Post Your Gadgets


OMG He has Batterys!! :o


Sony Vaio PC absoloutely Stunning!!


The Best phone in the world SE T630
MP3 thing
crappy photo thingie
DVD portable whatsit


neo geo pckt



but i bet none of you have...


A Gumwatch!!!!!!!
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I cant be bothered with taking pics but i will list what i got : :)

2 GP32's - 1 166mhz unlit and 1 BLU not blu+
Megadrive w/Mastersystem converter
Nes w/lightgun
Yamada 6100 + 6600 dvd players

And hopefully a PSP in the near future :D
Heres some of my handheld consoles/devices (some stuff is my mates, dijital), the older handhelds like gb, gamegear etc are packed away. Took the photo a few weeks ago when doing comparison photos of handhelds for something else.

2xGP32, 1xDS, 1xPSP, 2xZodiac, 3xPPC, 3xGBA and 1xSPV C500

hahaha yeah of course I have batteries! I have another 16 pack behind my laptop and a 24 pack hanging on the wall... Darn... I wanted to buy some AAA batteries at Sam's club... oh well
Guyfawkes posted on Feb 1 2005 at 01:01 AM said:
Heres some of my handheld consoles/devices (some stuff is my mates, dijital), the older handhelds like gb, gamegear etc are packed away. Took the photo a few weeks ago when doing comparison photos of handhelds for something else.

2xGP32, 1xDS, 1xPSP, 2xZodiac, 3xPPC, 3xGBA and 1xSPV C500


i want to be you :(
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My list is not terribly exciting but anyway:

*GB Mono/GB Color/GB SP
*Kodak EasyShare CX6200 digital camera. Pretty nice camera although digital zoom sucks.
*Samsung 8mm camcorder
*P4, 514mb, geforce 4 pc. It's not exactly l33t but it sure as hell beats my old 300Mhz desktop. :D
*Soon to have Siemens C65 phone as already posted about. I'm not really into getting the latest phones but I thought it was time that my old 3310 was laid to rest. I'd still be using my 3210 if someone hadn't of bought the 3310 for me. :rolleyes:

Edit: Forgot to add Gamecube which I bought recently.
I still have my 3310 which I got from finty.
I also have a 120mhz 32mb ram pc (fuck yea)
I also have a 1.5ghz 512mb ram pc which doesent work.
I also have a gp32
I also have a K500i
I also have erm, a pstwo
I also have a disassembled psone with modchip (needs new laser)
We're including music stuff? Right then...

Awai FM65 Minidisc
Casio Exilim EX-M2 (tiny Camera/MP3 player)
Rex 5000 mini PDA

Samson MPL 1502 Mixer
Yamaha MU-10 Sound Module
Alesis Nano Bass
Yamaha TG100 Sound Module
Yamaha EMT10 Piano Module
Zoom 1201 FX Module
Zoom 1204 FX Module
Control Synthesis Deep Bass Nine Analogue Synth
Akai S2000 Sampler (with ram upgrade)
Akai XE8 Drum Module
Samson Servo 170 Amp
JBL Control 1 Monitors
Korg DW6000 Synth
Roland A30 Controller Keyboard
Mac G3 with some fancy soundcard or other (the name of which I forget)
Washburn BT2 Electric Guitar
Samick Artist Series Acoustic Guitar

Binetone Pong Copy
2 x Atari Lynx II
Sony Playstation
Sega Dreamcast
Sony PS2
GP32 (non-lit)

ZX Spectrum 48K
ZX Spectrum +2
Atari 520 STe
Apus Mac Clone
500mhz K62 Laptop
600mhz Celeron Tower (my fileserver)
Athalon 1800+ Tower
Shuttle SN40G2 (Athalon 1600)

All I've got pertaining to music is:

2 Ziljian Drumsticks
Beginning drumming knowledge, can hardly read sheet music
$2 music keyboard from a yard sale (crappy 80's junk)
GpAmp ;)
No GameKing, I have thought about buying a few more handhelds just to add to the collection but no spare money for things I am not really going to use :)

The black PPC is painted, it had previously been dropped hundreds of times and the case was scratched etc so when I was bored I painted it as I had a new PPC. The job was badly done and the paint eventually started scratching and peeling etc :)

The Black GP32 is an official black one from Gamepark, I nicknamed it the 'Ninja Bastard' as its black and runs at around 250Mhz :) My FLU only goes upto 160Mhz.

One of the Zodiacs is mine, the other is Dijitals. Tapwave gave it to us when we met them last year at EGN. I know peoples feelings about the Zodiac here so wont go on too much about it.

The SPV C500 is a damn nice smartphone, recommend that to anyone. The genesis emulator runs great amongst other things.
Hmmm...Not great and my camera is rubbigh so no pics, but anyways:


Neogeo pocket colour

Random stuff

Kickass Philips Stereo
OLP electric guitar
Encore electric guitar
Prince acoustic guitar
Sony MD
P400 pc with no working hardrives (managed to overheat them both)
Celeron 2.4 pc thats ok-ish
Really Crappy stuff

Siemens C35i (lol with tape holding the thing togethor)
Crappy old 32mb mp3 player that apparently has no make
Palm M100
Really crappy free digital camera
