Tetris Grandmaster On Pandora


Active Member
Feb 13, 2010

it would be great to have tetris TheGrandMaster available for pandora.
here are some videos of that game:
official game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwC544Z37qo
texmaster clone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbyEpf65b-A
heboris clone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h3DvvgC4kM

here is an article that explain the functioning of the game

what do you think? :)
There is no way. I've always been pretty decent at Tetris, but i would never even play this. There is just no way. The only thing I can think of is pattern memorization or something and I'm not that dedicated. That guy if he wasn't just following a learned pattern, is most likely the most genius Tetris player alive. Amazing to see, but nope forget it, I will never play this game, it would be a disaster of utter proportions and just make me feel bad. Kudos to any of you who might play it but I will never be that fast, EVER, in ANY way.

Read up some more on the OP's links, yeah neat game, no way I could ever do that! And that guy in the vid is awesome, as I guess the pieces are random, it's just you pre-rotate them before they drop!? Still too much for me. When playing the original tetris, I never usually looked at the next piece unless the speed was really slow and not even much then, no way i could see next pieces, set them up and direct falling blocks at same time. Fun to watch him though, I did think it was interesting the machine show's a 1 player game's controls via camera in Player 2's play field. Really helps show off the movements and speed needed.
The original on ZN-2 is viable, but of course requires a ZN-2 emulator. Maybe zodttd or someone else can eventually be convinced to try working it into psx4all.

Although the games go to staggering extremes I think they're still interesting and fun for us normal human Tetris players too. They don't just start off impossible.
Exophase said:
The original on ZN-2 is viable, but of course requires a ZN-2 emulator. Maybe zodttd or someone else can eventually be convinced to try working it into psx4all.

Although the games go to staggering extremes I think they're still interesting and fun for us normal human Tetris players too. They don't just start off impossible.

And that's great, but some of us know our limitations. I could never do that. maybe it's my mental inability to handle it ( Diagnosed issues aside) There is just no way, I would ever be good at that. I realize that they made control adjustments so as to make it possible to play at that speed (and I always felt it was control scheme that doomed me in original tetris when speed got too high) But still, just watching the video made my head spin. It was hard to follow just watching for me let alone playing. Like I said, Kudos to those who can, I admire that and it does look fun, if you have the ability to go that fast, I do not.

this reminds me of Kaboom! on Atari 2600, too quickly the speed was just zany fast, I so far play that game better than anyone I have personally known, however I'm not sure I even made it to 3000 points yet. Over 2000 quite a few times, but this Tetris video looks like one of the faster Kaboom! levels to start!
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at the beginning i lost very quickly, now i can play for a more long time it is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy addictive :)
texmaster and heboris (see links above) are some clones of the game and gather a community of players that started their "carrer" by seeing the video above.
I like super tetris. The old dos one. Remember that? It had bombs and shit. It was good. And holy freakin' crap! What sort of and how much amphetamine would you need to ingest to slow down your perception of time enough to be able to play tetris like that? That dude in that youtube vid must be on the same stuff they (supposedly) give to jet fighter pilots. He must be stopped before he tears a hole in the space/time continuum and destroys us all!

*runs away*
The guy in the first youtube video... from ca. 5:09 he is playing without visibility of the already dropped parts! o.O Incredible!
sold said:
And holy freakin' crap! What sort of and how much amphetamine would you need to ingest to slow down your perception of time enough to be able to play tetris like that?
He wouldn't need his perception slowed down, he probably wasn't even aware of what he was doing.
Think about this: how do you type? When you first started out, you probably thought "I want to type 'dog', so I press 'd' 'o' 'g'". Eventually, you practiced enough that you just think "I want to type 'dog'" and your fingers do the work. Now that you've been typing for so long, do you even think about what you want to type, or do you just do it? Some people are so good at typing they can type exactly what a person is saying to them while they're saying it: they're not recognizing that the person said a word and they need to then type it, it just goes into their ears and directly to their fingers. That's exactly what this guy is doing, only a lot more extreme.
How about this? You ever been playing a game or sport and suddenly get into "the zone"? That magical place where thought stops entirely and your body simply reacts perfectly to everything that happens? This guy probably achieves that the instant he grabs the controls.
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ricki said:
The guy in the first youtube video... from ca. 5:09 he is playing without visibility of the already dropped parts! o.O Incredible!
There must be a trick, I can't imagine how you can play Tetris without seeing the Bricks you place.
I really wonder, how he even can play this way with the visible bricks. he seems to play only through the preview-Pics above the Playfield. Really impressive and I'm sure, this guy is Asian, maybe a crazy japanese guy. Their Gaming-Skills really scare me sometimes. :blink:
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Just read the article OP linked. After a block is placed, you have a small waiting-time before the next block drops, and you can choose the orientation of the block when it drops. Furthermore, you have a waiting-time before the block locks into place, so you can still move the block around.
WizardStan said:
How about this? You ever been playing a game or sport and suddenly get into "the zone"? That magical place where thought stops entirely and your body simply reacts perfectly to everything that happens? This guy probably achieves that the instant he grabs the controls.

He most definitely must have gotten into the zone. My brain couldn't even keep up and I was only watching :lol: I gotta try this game out, if only to see if it is gonna be as hard as it looks. That dude must've invested hours upon hours of his life in that game.
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That might clear somethings up for those unfamiliar with these renditions of Tetris.

The requirements for the Grand Master Grade in TGM3 are such that only 3 people have ever achieved such a feat.

The first video posted by the original posters is of a TGM3 successful Grand Master Promotional exam, making it the performance of one of the best Tetris players in the entire world.

I think TGM3 more than earns its subtitle of Terror Instinct.

Still, I would love to see how my skills stack up against TGM1's Master Mode.
i have this game on nintendo DS (homebrew),
what about a DS emulator?^^
i could follow him with the blocks, but i wouldn't be able to do it at that speed as my ocular focus is a little small to se the grid and the next blocks at the same time, and you need to see and diferenciate both at the same time to do it that fast. With practice you may diferenciate the blocks by its color and something, just like in pump it up
laharl said:
i could follow him with the blocks, but i wouldn't be able to do it at that speed as my ocular focus is a little small to se the grid and the next blocks at the same time, and you need to see and diferenciate both at the same time to do it that fast. With practice you may diferenciate the blocks by its color and something, just like in pump it up
You don't need to see next block. It plays a distinctive tone when each block comes up that tells you what the next block will be. So basically you listen to hear the block queue and you look to see the placement.
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