Test the keymat!

Looking into things beyond the keymat... I know it isn't the 'final case', but the dimensions should be pretty right. Has anyone checked how it fits/feels in a pocket?

It would actually fit in my jacket pocket, but I wouldn't put it in a pocket, unless I was wearing cargo's. It is on the 'slightly chunky' side :)

I've now sent the package on to the next in the list... Kind of sad to see it leave, but at least the next keymat sample I'll be trying will have a fully working screen and OS, and other bits and bobs, to try it with :)

@levi, thanks to you too. Was really good to see an actual Pandora. They are actually much more impressive than I was expecting too; even with all the drama, and issues, I do feel like I missed out back when it was released :) This makes the Pyra all the more exciting.
Off-topic: Big ol' fans that help keep it cool and can be used y to help it hover when moved. It will need much more battery juice to compensate for all the hovering. Someone else can figure out that part.

On-topic (sorta?): Is the package going across the ocean and through customs, or should the next person have it soonish?
Off-topic: Big ol' fans that help keep it cool and can be used y to help it hover when moved. It will need much more battery juice to compensate for all the hovering. Someone else can figure out that part.

On-topic (sorta?): Is the package going across the ocean and through customs, or should the next person have it soonish?
Overseas. It arrived at their country, but I'm not aware that they actually have it yet or not. Should be soon though hopefully.
The Pyra goes to Norway
20170615_151353.jpg 20170615_152703.jpg 20170615_152819.jpg 20170615_153850.jpg PyraSHA.jpeg
The keyboard is far better than imagined.
It is like the 3210 keys, only with the hardness of the keys on the 3310.
What you feel is the softness underneath, in a firm and forgiving manner.

It is impossible to get the keys to stick. Wobble and chafering isnt an issue.
The powerbutton is the sleekest of them all. I would prefer a layout like that, with matte background underneath.
It seems possible with the colour/capless variant.

The difference between the final and the worst of the historic revisions is the difference between
takatkatkaktatka and nonononononono.

Travel is nice, actuation is nice. I like really soft keys, and the top row is softer than the rest.

Case inspires confidence. Lower L/R buttons sit right at the joint of the index fingers.

Not a fan of the ribbed/knurled edges on upper L/R, F and J and the nubs, but that is easily modified.

The +2 buttons on the buttoncluster (ins) and (del) are actually indented with regard to the <A ^Y vX >B, which works out well.

I prefer flatter ABXY, but I cant really tell how well it will work, as they are broken here, and have been fixed in a later revision.

Then again i prefer the shorter travel nub variants too. More ergonomy and musings tomorrow.
Awesome! :-D The Jolla just takes surprisingly good pictures.

@comradekingu, would you take a closeup side shot of the power button? I'm interested in what the sleekest of them all looks like.
Thanks in advance and have fun with that translucent baby :) gl
The powerbutton is the sleekest of them all. I would prefer a layout like that, with matte background underneath.
It seems possible with the colour/capless variant.

I had made a suggestion at one point that the keyboard should be translucent white material with inked letters that would 'shadow' under backlight. Having the letters glow, as in the current version, is likely a better solution as it gives better differentiation between the white and orange labels under backlighting. (Both would be 'black' under backlighting if they were opaque symbols on a translucent keymat.)

Has anyone tried to plug in the dummy board in the sample to see if any of the lights come on? Likely would do nothing. Does the keymat review case have SD/microSD slot hardware populated in it? It would be outside of the evaluation intent, but it could be interesting to see how the slots look & feel when media is inserted/ejected?

I know you were concerned with the usability of the keyboard for your language needs. Have you taken time for some typing exploration of the layout?
Glad to see someone with a screwdriver that isn't afraid to use it.

I'm betting that the black marker use around the power button was to check how the power light looked with lessened light bleed?

It looks like there is a set of 3 dip switches next to the cell modem chip - does anyone know what the different settings on it do?
Oh my goodness you took it apart :-O Don't shock me like that! :-D

Seriously though, thank you very much for those closeups @comradekingu. Very interesting to see the board from a new perspective as well. :) gl
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