Tell Us Non-Snes Guys What The Best Of Snes Are :)


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
I'm suuuure we've done this 30 times before, but isn't it always great fun?

Assume that someone knows nothign about SNES, and list off the best for each genre. Platformer, Action, RPG, Shmup, Fighting, etc.

ie: I don't know much about SNES title, but I know about Link to the Past; but you know what? A lot of people don't. A certainly, beyond Super Mari Whatsit With 3 Games In It, I have no idea what the best platformers are.

IO see some really good looking games in videos, but no idea what hey are.

So, pray tell -- what are the best games of SNES?



I'll start:

Chrono Trigger -> RPG -> never played it, but everyone thinks its one of the best games ever
Killer Instinct -> Fighting -> great arcade conversion!
Mega Man X - Platformer - An unforgettable platform game, filled to the brim with polish, clever touches, and an excellent soundtrack. It uses the same "Rock/Paper/Scissors"-style weapon system as the Classic series games do. A must-play! (If you like this, you may also like Mega Man X2 and Mega Man X3.)

Super Mario Kart - Racing - The originator of the "Mascot Kart Racer" genre.

Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest - Platformer - A highly-polished platformer, with a sense of humour where the cast are very much aware that it is a video game.

Sandra no Daibouken - Valkyrie to no Deai - Platformer - A very challenging platform game, in the one-hit-and-you-die vein, said to have been made by the same team who later made Klonoa - Door To Phantomile for the PlayStation. Available in English by the name of "Whirlo".

I'll be back with more!

EDIT: More. :p

Star Fox - 3D Shooter - An atmosphere-packed shooter, inspired partly by the exploits of World War II fighter pilots, which follows the Star Fox Team (a group of animaloid pilots from another world) as they attempt to liberate their planetary system from the evil baboon scientist Andross.

Mega Man 7 - Platformer - More Mega Man goodness, in a different vein from the X series. This is a continuation of the original NES games. If you like the Mega Man X titles, or platforming in general, you'll probably also enjoy this one.

Rockman & Forte - Platformer - A platformer from 1998, created to be "Rockman 8.5" - if you open the game in a text-editor, you will see this written down in there. It was Japan-only until a later Game Boy Advance port in 2002 (which isn't quite as good as the original). If you like Mega Man 7, you'll love this. Silky-smooth animation, perfect control, two playable characters with different abilities, great bosses, and an excellent challenge. There is a complete English translation patch available from AGTP for this game.
Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island. Two of the best games ever made (IMO)!

Super Mario World - Brilliant
Yoshi's Island - Amazing

Did I do that right?

Sorry, I'm just being accurate; it's not my fault that Super Mario World is in the genre of 'Brilliant' and 'Awesome'.
SomeGuy99 said:
Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island. Two of the best games ever made (IMO)!

Super Mario World - Brilliant
Yoshi's Island - Amazing

Did I do that right?

Super Mario World will always have a place in my heart... Yoshi's island still haunts me today....


The SNES Mario remakes are pretty good

Zelda - Link to the Past (Adventure)
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Hands free:

You don't have to touch the pad for this game to be awesome!

And the classic:
Super Metroid-platformer
Link to the Past-adventure
Super Mario World-platformer
Final Fantasy 4-rpg

Some series had their best games on the SNES
Contra 3 - Action
TMNT Turtles in Time - Action
Mortal Kombat 2 - Fighter
Wrestlemania Arcade Game - Fighter
Super Metroid - Action Adventure - Search miles and miles of ruins and deadly catacombs in a upgradeable battle suit in pursuit of criminals attempting to weaponize the most dangerous creatures in the universe!
Project Logic Bomb - Shooter - cinematic Sci fi action, you're the last line of defense against an invasion of creatures from another dimension.
Contra III - the alien wars - Shooter - Great use of the SNES hardware to push the franchise into the 16bit era, Giant enemies and great graphics.
Cybernator - Shooter - Giant mech action - As a soldier in a mechanized war machine help defeat the invading enemies. (Suggests the Translated Japanese version Assault Suit Valken)
Space Mega Force - Shooter - Lone ship against incredible odds, the bosses will taunt you but you have tons of firepower to answer them with. Very Epic. Great music and graphics.
F-Zero - Racing - High Speed hovercraft racing, 'nuff said.

Chrono Trigger -> RPG -> never played it, but everyone thinks its one of the best games ever
Because it has one of the best time travel story lines ever. Multiple endings also depending on what time period you beat the game in.
Mario Kart - Racing - Started the whole kart racing phenomenom...
Zelda - A Link to the Past - Adventure/RPG - Best 2D zelda ever!
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - Platformer - Simply amazingly awesomely cool...

If I had to pick 3 snes games those would probably be it.
Secret of Mana

Great action RPG, can get a little hard sometimes but its a great game. Everyone who has owned a SNES must of at least seen someone play it. Legendary game :)

Secret of Evermore is also great, it was made in the US by US developers, so it has a strong american flavour to it :p Also hard as hell sometimes!


Another action RPG (sorta) though its more like Zelda. It never released in the US, only Europe and Japan. It's a damn good game, great music and graphics and a really nice story too :) It's just plain fun! And it has it's heart moving moments too :) This is a good reason to make sure PAL support is as good as the Amiga emulator! :D

Earthworm Jim 1 & 2

Platform game, great Ren and Stimpy like style. Animations were amazing back in the day! It must be played if you havn't played these games. :)

Street Racer

Mario Kart clone, but it's a damn fine one. Lots of modes, lots of tracks, lots of funky characters and it even has 4 player split screen!
skeezix said:
Chrono Trigger -> RPG -> never played it, but everyone thinks its one of the best games ever
Some of my favorite RPGs are:

Secret of Mana
Seiken Densetsu 3
Tales of Phantasia
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Axelay- Shooter.

Secret of Evermore- Squaresoft's first take on an American RPG. Its not as good as Secret of Mana but it has some great tunes by Jeremy Soule (Oblivion).

MDave said:

Another action RPG (sorta) though its more like Zelda. It never released in the US, only Europe and Japan. It's a *** good game, great music and graphics and a really nice story too :) It's just plain fun! And it has it's heart moving moments too :) This is a good reason to make sure PAL support is as good as the Amiga emulator! :D

Now that game looks cool!
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HackModford said:
MDave said:

Another action RPG (sorta) though its more like Zelda. It never released in the US, only Europe and Japan. It's a *** good game, great music and graphics and a really nice story too :) It's just plain fun! And it has it's heart moving moments too :) This is a good reason to make sure PAL support is as good as the Amiga emulator! :D

Now that game looks cool!
I can also highly recommend the other two games in the "series", Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia (Illusion of Time in Europe, apparently). Soul Blazer isn't as impressive as the other two, but still quite fun, in the same action RPG, rebuild-the-world vein as Terranigma
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Kirby Superstar - Platformer; great two player co-op

Harvest Moon - Farming simulator; keep your cows happy, find a wife

Super Smash TV - Dual-stick shooter; again, great co-op

(I'd love to see one of these threads about some of the old console computers that I was to young to appreciate.)
Oops, I have another one that I forgot. :p

Kirby Super Deluxe - Platformer/Randomness - A compilation of several platform games and a couple of oddball mini-games, all made specifically for this title (although one of them is a quasi-remake of the Game Boy game, Kirby's Dream Land), with a superb soundtrack and lots of strange humour and cute visuals. It is known in the US as "Kirby Super Star", and in Europe by the incredibly naff name of "Kirby's Fun Pak".

(Random rambling from an old SNES'er: The European name-change to "Kirby's Fun Pak" was a VERY late one. I followed the progress of this game's European localisation throughout 1996, and it was referred to by the British gaming magazines as Kirby Super Deluxe until a mere few weeks before the game was released. I always absolutely hated the "Kirby's Fun Pak" name, and I was so used to calling it Kirby Super Deluxe that I still can't bring myself to use it, even over a decade later. :p )

EDIT: Damn, ninja'd on that one! :lol:
I agree with most of the choices already mentioned, the SNES is my favorite system of all time and there are tons of great games of all genres. That being said, those looking for more RPGs should try:

-Final Fantasy 5: The highlight of this game for me is the class system. You are free to develop your characters as you like as opposed to FF4, where each character was locked into one particular class.

-Final Fantasy 6: Although you could not customize your characters to the same extent as in FF5, I feel this game has a much stronger story. Also, in my opinion this game features some of the most beautiful graphics and music on the SNES.

-Ogre Battle: This is the best strategy RPG that you probably have never heard of. The story progress differently depending on your actions and how you clear the various stages. There is also a very complex good/evil alignment system that dictates which of approximately 14 endings you obtain. I highly recommend this game for those seeking a challenge!

-Earthbound: This is a quirky and humorous RPG made by Nintendo (this series is known as Mother in Japan).

If I think of other games that haven't already been mentioned I'll post again.
"Non-snes guys"? You mean, those who haven't played the games?

At least try to be subtle with your piracy.