Tales from a century-old exercise book

Bingo me old chinas ;)

edit: I should probably add that the txtspeak attempt was clearly so alien that not even those more familiar with it day to day, were that sure of it. Proving how alien it perhaps is to me.

However, BlueProtoman has rightly called me out as an out and out wanker.


Despite me proving via several easily found articles that txtspeak has indeed been used and accepted in exams across the western world.

Afterall, just because we sit and dutifully fill out our exam papers in whatever manner our nerves allow for, then wait in line for our results. It doesn't mean that your equally fingernail lacking friends, actually wrote anything down like you may have done back then, when they were wishing they hadn't partied until 4 hours before the finals paper, or otherwise. They may well have written their paper, in txtspeak and it had been quietly accepted, if their general gist was around about correct, so as to not let everyone know they can cut such corners. Who knows?

I probably deserve such a title and clearly my last moments of a Megaman plushie, vindicating a grudge against the corporate grinder, was not taken in the spirit it was revealed unto myself at that time, to be taken. For which the world is truly thankful.

I shall refrain from such behaviour and mature in my attitudes. I ask only for forgiveness and support in my quest, if you would humble yourselves to honour me that much?
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Sigh... This thread makes me sad- I feel the urge to weep for a present made impossible by the past...

For once, I'm utterly speechless.

Several moments pass. He types and backspaces, thinks and erases...

Suddenly, he has a memory and stops thinking in third person.

I remember going to the first grade for all of a few days at the age of six. I hated it, I thought I was in pre-school. The teacher didn't want me to do more work than was assigned, even though I could handle it with ease. Once, they had a fourth grader come in to read a book to us. She stumbled over half the words. What's funny? I could read the same book smooth as olive oil.

You know, I'm not composed at the moment. This thread has totally derailed my thoughts, so excuse me for babbling idiotically, it's just that my conscious mind is busy trying to pick up all the ideas that spilled out of the train... And reading them aloud.

So anyway, I left school. I was a first grade dropout.

Actually, I went back to homeschooling, and wound up reading at a college level around age ten. I'm not sure what's sadder- the fact that I could read so well, or the fact that there was probably so much more that these kids could be doing. I mean sure, some considered me to be a "gifted" kid- what was I truly capable of back then? I have no idea.

But what are these children capable of, eh? I suppose it's an understatement to say that they're not living up to their potential.

You know, I'm a member of a writing club that meets in my library. The kids there can be quite loud (specifically the younger ones), but you know what? When it comes to writing, they put forth real effort. They apply themselves because they're interested. They read and write well, certainly better than most of their contemporaries. It's not that children today are incapable of performing- it's just that they won't. They're not given any real incentive, and teachers? Most teachers aren't given any incentive to really teach anything. Their job is to simply parrot the words in the books and convince the next generation to keep calm, to carry on down the path to decay.

I'm grateful I have parents who drive me to live up to and past my potential.

...Did I just type all that? Goodness.


I probably deserve such a title and clearly my last moments of a Megaman plushie, vindicating a grudge against the corporate grinder, was not taken in the spirit it was revealed unto myself at that time, to be taken. For which the world is truly thankful.
Naw, I found it pretty funny.

The character who the plushie is of would probably agree with you, being one of a set left stuck on a cliffhanger for five years, now. :P
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School are a joke. that's the bottom line.

i must have read all of two books throughout my senior school - in fact not even that as you were entrusted to read most of it out of class. at home and that didn't happen.

teachers are a pushover.

8 out of 10 teachers in my school got walked all over.

Bunking was too easy.

i reckon things are worse now too.