T Minus 120 Hours...


Professional Derailer
I will admit that there is a good many others that have been waiting far longer than I have. So far, I've been a spectator for 20 months as I watched a colossal project meticulously being put into place. For a long time, we've all seen what the final thing should look like and have even seen it in action. But now we find ourselves in a rather strange place. And as we are all congratulating/cheering on OP for a job well done in persevering this far, I find myself fixated on the first domino.

I mean, it's all there, ready to move, but I can't seem to shake the urge to scream out, "GO!" but I know we can't until at least Wednesday. It's a disconcerting feeling, probably because I am so helplessly deep into the preorder queue.

Basically if you put a starving lion in a cage and then gave it methamphetamine and a couple of shots of adrenaline... and then you put a shit load of steak outside of the cage. But, the cage can't open for 120 hours.

That's how excited I am right now, even though my brain is like, "Dude, you are like 700 in line. You're not going to be getting anything for probably a month or more."

Anyone else have this feeling? Or is it just me?
Slow down, take it easy, have a few extra days of checking things out, making sure the build process is evenly spaced out so that people can help build them effectively. Then re-plan the build cue so that you can have a person checking every third step or so, making sure build quality stays at a 100%. Add a week to test this quality inspector out. Find out he cant do it, and have a replacement trained, and checked out. in 2 months or so you'll be ready to actually deliver. At which point the volcano will have everything airborne grounded.

Did i mention that i haven't put in for one? ;- )