

Still Fresh
Sep 20, 2005
Hello there, GP32Xtreme, I'm about as new to this place as you can get.
I did read a bit about the GP32 when it was new and it sounded very interesting, but somehow it all faded away from me.
Well, soon the GP2X is here, and I'm seriously thinking about getting one.
But here's my main question, how's the support?

Will there actually be some good (honestly, the majority of home made games are crap) games for it?
Will the support just last for a couple of months or will it continue?

Of course, you can't know for sure, but I'm hoping you might have a guess that you can build up with some facts.

Thanks in advance.
There are no (public) facts yet regarding commercial games. See the "Games" section of the GP2X FAQ.

There is, however, a TON of support from the handheld emu and homebrew community. And your attitude toward homebrew will not be too appreciated around here.

If you're really looking for commercial games, get a PSP or DS. The GP2X may have some good commercial games someday, but it will never really be a commercial games oriented platform. It's primarily a retrogaming and homebrew device - so if you aren't into those things, it won't be a wise purchase.

Curious - where did you learn about the GP2X and this site? We're getting a lot of newbies lately here, so I just wonder where they're coming from? i.e. Slashdot? A gaming site? Some emulation messageboard?
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Heh I found out on DCEmu about a week ago, however I've been telling all my friends and have been spreading word through my own site, sorry to butt in but yeah that's how I found out. ^_^
Prophet posted on Sep 19 2005 at 11:32 PM said:
If you're really looking for commercial games, get a PSP or DS. The GP2X may have some good commercial games someday, but it will never really be a commercial games oriented platform. It's primarily a retrogaming and homebrew device - so if you aren't into those things, it won't be a wise purchase.

Agreed if your after commercial games the PSP or DS will give you far more choice in that area. Personally I have a DS for commercial games and am getting a GP2x for homebrew and emulation...

I just wonder where they're coming from? i.e. Slashdot? A gaming site? Some emulation messageboard?

Can't speak for others but I learnt about the gp2x through the DS homebrew scene, I did know about the GP32 b4 but decided not to buy it (various reasons won't go into), but as I was starting to do look into doing homebrew development fro the DS I ran into info regarding the gp2x. So I decided the gp2x would be easier in the long run (homebrew not only accepted but encouraged)..
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And that Encouragement is why there will be continured support. :)

I dont expect Capcom or Konami to break down the door to develop for the 2X or even recognize it's existance, But I do expect to see a few small Devs give it a shot, just because they can.
Kizo posted on Sep 19 2005 at 11:24 PM said:
Hello there, GP32Xtreme, I'm about as new to this place as you can get.
I did read a bit about the GP32 when it was new and it sounded very interesting, but somehow it all faded away from me.
Well, it didn't fade away from us. ;) You missed a whole bunch of fun by not buying one - this community is very active and there's always something new coming out. Maybe not just now though (I'd gather that most devs are figuring out how to program for the GP2X now).

Well, soon the GP2X is here, and I'm seriously thinking about getting one.
But here's my main question, how's the support?
Prominent developers get free GP2Xs, courtesy of Gamepark Holdings and their distributers (like GBAX). There was also a community donation drive a day or so ago to get a GP2X for one developer who got left out (skeezix, developer of Castaway, the Atari ST computer emulator... and various other things like ZOT, the game-creating engine). I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that there will be a lot of programs on the GP2X at or near launch.

Will there actually be some good (honestly, the majority of home made games are crap) games for it?
Well, not all homebrew games are good I'll grant you, but there have been some real jewels the past few years. Only a few, from my experience, have been real crap (and some of those were intentionally crappy - see the Crap Games Compo :P). Anyway, if you want commercial games, there are always the emulators. ;) It's hard to predict what homebrew games there will be on the GP2X - too early to tell.

Will the support just last for a couple of months or will it continue?
Well, the support for the GP32 has lasted pretty steadily up until now (it's gotten bigger each year, actually).
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PSP and DS aren't only good if you're looking for commercial games, you know...

they both have pretty good homebrew scenes already too. The PSP in particular... the homebrew scene for it has EXPLODED, all the popular systems from NES on up to Neo Geo are already emulated (mostly perfectly) and there's already tons of homebrew games too and even some PC ports like the ever popular and already on GP, Doom.

I'm really starting to wonder if there's any really good reasons to buy a GP2X over just buying a PSP for homebrew, other than the fact that the PSP still has the one hurdle of the firmware needing to be cracked...
bast525 posted on Sep 20 2005 at 07:00 AM said:
PSP and DS aren't only good if you're looking for commercial games, you know...

they both have pretty good homebrew scenes already too. The PSP in particular... the homebrew scene for it has EXPLODED, all the popular systems from NES on up to Neo Geo are already emulated (mostly perfectly) and there's already tons of homebrew games too and even some PC ports like the ever popular and already on GP, Doom.

I'm really starting to wonder if there's any really good reasons to buy a GP2X over just buying a PSP for homebrew, other than the fact that the PSP still has the one hurdle of the firmware needing to be cracked...

This is true the homebrew scene on the DS is strong too, its just that supporting a company that doesn't fight against you seems like the right thing to do IMO..

Regarding PSP homebrew unfortunately here in Australia (and I think UK too?) there are no PSPs available under firmware 1.52, and there never has been as it was only just recently released... so yes I could import from overseas and hopefully get an earlier unit (and pay more for it), but why bother with a system from a company that fights against us so much.. (besides I would hate to replace all my SD cards with sonys overpriced proprietory rubbish).
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I'd say the best reason for getting a GP2X over a PSP is that you would no longer get punished for being a homebrew developer on the GP2X. Sony is closing holes and constantly trying to get PSP owners to drop the homebrew scene entirely while the GP2X is made for that reason entirely. Just my little POV.
bast525 posted on Sep 20 2005 at 07:00 AM said:
PSP and DS aren't only good if you're looking for commercial games, you know...

they both have pretty good homebrew scenes already too. The PSP in particular... the homebrew scene for it has EXPLODED, all the popular systems from NES on up to Neo Geo are already emulated (mostly perfectly) and there's already tons of homebrew games too and even some PC ports like the ever popular and already on GP, Doom.

I'm really starting to wonder if there's any really good reasons to buy a GP2X over just buying a PSP for homebrew, other than the fact that the PSP still has the one hurdle of the firmware needing to be cracked...

Friend, I own every handheld on your list and some you don't have there. I also own 2 PSP's BTW. I know the PSP homebrew scene quite well.

But I still prefer the GP2X.

The PSP scene is tiresome. A constant cat and mouse game with Sony. And it's plagued with whiny snotnosed kids, pirates and money-making scheme websites.

Also, the PSP has a HORRIBLE dpad, and the analog pad makes a poor substitute. The screen also has issues with ghosting that are sometimes rather evident in certain emulated games, and just try playing the PSP outside or in certain lighting situations - it's literally impossible to see.

PSP is a great system overall, and I love Burnout Legends as much as the next guy. But for homebrew and emulation, I prefer to give GP2X a shot. It's designed with retrogaming in mind, it's pro-indie devs, pro-emus and pro-homebrew.

As for DS, I own one but I'm not a fan. I dislike the design, and only keep it because of the GBA support right now. I will probably get the new Castlevania for it though. At least its screens are viewable outside, the PSP screen is really only good in darkened rooms.
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Prophet posted on Sep 20 2005 at 01:32 AM said:
There are no (public) facts yet regarding commercial games. See the "Games" section of the GP2X FAQ.

There is, however, a TON of support from the handheld emu and homebrew community. And your attitude toward homebrew will not be too appreciated around here.

If you're really looking for commercial games, get a PSP or DS. The GP2X may have some good commercial games someday, but it will never really be a commercial games oriented platform. It's primarily a retrogaming and homebrew device - so if you aren't into those things, it won't be a wise purchase.

Curious - where did you learn about the GP2X and this site? We're getting a lot of newbies lately here, so I just wonder where they're coming from? i.e. Slashdot? A gaming site? Some emulation messageboard?

Ah, don't get me wrong.
I'm all for homebrew when it's done right. I didn't mean to offend the homebrew-scene in any way, what I ment was that there can often be way too many less good games since it's so "easy" to make them. People that are less serious.
It's very hard to find the really good ones when there's to big of a pile to search in.
I do believe you find the very best games by letting people realise their ideas without the budget etc. being the hindrance.

And to answer your question. I found out about the original GP32 back in the days in a Swedish gaming magazine called Super Play, this time however, I found the link on a computer hardware forum.

Thanks for answering.
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Kizo posted on Sep 20 2005 at 03:06 PM said:
Prophet posted on Sep 20 2005 at 01:32 AM said:
There are no (public) facts yet regarding commercial games. See the "Games" section of the GP2X FAQ.

There is, however, a TON of support from the handheld emu and homebrew community. And your attitude toward homebrew will not be too appreciated around here.

If you're really looking for commercial games, get a PSP or DS. The GP2X may have some good commercial games someday, but it will never really be a commercial games oriented platform. It's primarily a retrogaming and homebrew device - so if you aren't into those things, it won't be a wise purchase.

Curious - where did you learn about the GP2X and this site? We're getting a lot of newbies lately here, so I just wonder where they're coming from? i.e. Slashdot? A gaming site? Some emulation messageboard?

Ah, don't get me wrong.
I'm all for homebrew when it's done right. I didn't mean to offend the homebrew-scene in any way, what I ment was that there can often be way too many less good games since it's so "easy" to make them. People that are less serious.
It's very hard to find the really good ones when there's to big of a pile to search in.
I do believe you find the very best games by letting people realise their ideas without the budget etc. being the hindrance.

And to answer your question. I found out about the original GP32 back in the days in a Swedish gaming magazine called Super Play, this time however, I found the link on a computer hardware forum.

Thanks for answering.
Oh noes, another swede ^^
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Prophet posted on Sep 20 2005 at 04:48 AM said:
As for DS, I own one but I'm not a fan. I dislike the design, and only keep it because of the GBA support right now. I will probably get the new Castlevania for it though. At least its screens are viewable outside, the PSP screen is really only good in darkened rooms.

I love my DS. In 9 months of ownership, I've already bought about 10 games for it. That's why I haven't picked up a PSP yet. I can't even name 10 games for it, and their hostility to the homebrew scene has turned me off, too. I'll probably pick one up when there are a few more games out and the price comes down, but for now I'm going with DS for commercial games and GP2X for homebrew/hacking.
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Ah, don't get me wrong.
I'm all for homebrew when it's done right. I didn't mean to offend the homebrew-scene in any way, what I ment was that there can often be way too many less good games since it's so "easy" to make them. People that are less serious.
It's very hard to find the really good ones when there's to big of a pile to search in.

an abundance of mediocre games does not reduce the number of decent homebrew games, unless maybe if you want to talk about percentages but even then that assumes you have to play all the bad ones which you dont. Also having a scene where people get involved and make plenty of games means there's a chance of finding the next big developer. There might be a lot of weak homebrews but it's just people showing their enthusiasm even if it dosent create the best game every time.
Ravnos posted on Sep 20 2005 at 05:49 PM said:
I'm going with DS for commercial games and GP2X for homebrew/hacking.

Likewise, I love Advance Wars DS, and am looking forward to Age of Empires, Shogun Warriors and possibly Starcraft and Diablo.. The PSP is great for car racing games (seems more than 50% of the lineup at least here in OZ) but I prefer realtime and turn based stratergy and the DS touchscreen is perfect for that arena. For homebrew and emulation the GP2X will win out over the PSP in the long run I think, and I don't need to worry about the battle between Sony and the homebrew scene on that console...
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In my opinion the DS's touchscreen is too small for decent RTS. That's why I haven't got one, yet. I want to love the DS but the design just... sucks... But we're getting off topic here... ;)
I hope someone gets USB mice to run on the GP2X so we can play RTS, too. B)