Gp2x Yes Or No?

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It was great having you here one day Freddo. Now if you'd excuse me I'm off playing a couple of terrific games on my F200 with his fantastic pad :P
I love my DS, but if emulation is what you're looking for, the DS is not what you should be looking at. If emulation is your thing, then go for the GP2X. It's really great. I've had mine for a couple weeks now and its fantastic.

I've been getting bored of my DS lately, probably because I haven't bought any games in a long time. It's still fun though, and there are plenty of games I would buy if I had the time to play them.

If you have the time and money to buy games for DS, I'd go for the DS. If thats not the case, go for the GP2X.

I'd try to get both if I were you though :D
Freddo said:
Thanks again for all your replies.

I have decided on a DS simply because someone told me of the R4 DS that you can buy for it and use emulators and ebooks.

Thanks again, maybe I will buy a gp2x one day.
I think you will be dissapointed with the emulators on a DS. The screen is small, and the resolution is not high enough to display many of them correctly. DS has a 3" 256 x 192 screen and the GP2X a 3.5" 320 x 240 screen. Plus the GP2X emulates things the DS will never do well such as Sega CD, NeoGeo, etc. due to the slower CPU and less RAM.
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DaveC said:
Freddo said:
Thanks again for all your replies.

I have decided on a DS simply because someone told me of the R4 DS that you can buy for it and use emulators and ebooks.

Thanks again, maybe I will buy a gp2x one day.
I think you will be dissapointed with the emulators on a DS. The screen is small, and the resolution is not high enough to display many of them correctly. DS has a 3" 256 x 192 screen and the GP2X a 3.5" 320 x 240 screen. Plus the GP2X emulates things the DS will never do well such as Sega CD, NeoGeo, etc. due to the slower CPU and less RAM.

Even Commodore 64 is not good on DS - that's one of many reasons for me to buy a GP2x (despite the fact that I have DS) , but I need to pay customs first wrrrrrrr
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hal9000 said:
My opinion is that you should not expect to much for the future of the GP2X. If you feel like what it has now is good enough (video player, perfect emulation of everything but SNES/GBA/PSX, good emulation of SNES, a bunch of nice homebrews), then go for it. But don't be disappointed if the activity around GP2X start slowing down in a close future. This is likely to happen.
If you feel like what it has now is good enough (video player, perfect emulation of everything but SNES/GBA/PSX SNES/GBA/PSX/TURBOGRAFX, good emulation of SNES, a bunch of nice homebrews), then go for it.

fixed that for you :)
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Hold on. I can see if you got a DS for DS and GBA games, and even the NES emulator. But....uh....for SNES/Genesis/eBooks? You're in for a world of frustration.
leathco said:
Hold on. I can see if you got a DS for DS and GBA games, and even the NES emulator. But....uh....for SNES/Genesis/eBooks? You're in for a world of frustration.
The way I see it is the DS could hold you over for now with DS/GBA games, and for now just use a pc for your emulation needs. Just wait for the craiginator, it will be much better for emulation then the gp2x and the way I see it the DS would hold it's value better too, so you could sell that down the road when the craiginator comes out (listed as early 2008 on the wiki page). I know this is a gp2x board so most people are unhappy he went with the DS.
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hal9000 said:
My opinion is that you should not expect to much for the future of the GP2X. If you feel like what it has now is good enough (video player, perfect emulation of everything but SNES/GBA/PSX, good emulation of SNES, a bunch of nice homebrews), then go for it. But don't be disappointed if the activity around GP2X start slowing down in a close future. This is likely to happen.
I don't get why people post stuff like this. Let's say nothing new is dev'd for the GP2X from this day forward... It's not as though all the GP2X's in the world will suddenly shut themselves off en masse and never work again. There's a treasure trove of programs, apps, emulators, games already created for the GP2X that provide an almost infinite selection of possibilities. By it's very nature the GP2X has a "lifespan" that is MUCH longer than any other console/handheld out there simply because it's main focus is NOT commercial games. You can say any other system is "dying" when the production of commercial games tapers off in interest of newer systems, but any GP2X user can come to this site and find all sorts of wonderful things to use with their unit, FOR FREE! Yes, the GP2X will not "advance" and suddenly find itself playing Saturn or N64 games, but when it comes to choices, and options, the GP2X is the bees knees! :lol: Seriously, though if you want an awesome handheld that can support tons and tons and tons of great games without having to buy some extra peripheral (unlike other systems where you have to buy a memory card or whatnot to allow for emulation), then GP2X is the way to go.

And I don't get why everyone's advising him to get a Craiginator. Yes, it's the best thing to come along since sliced bread, but it sounds like he wants a new handheld NOW, and he stated that he can't afford both the GP2X AND the DS, so even if the Craiginator was here today I bet he'd have issues paying for it! As awesome as THAT system sounds, I can't see paying $300 plus for ANY video game system, much less a handheld. And I know that it's the cost of the materials used to make the thing, but I simply can't find a place in my budget for it. Before the villagers come to my house with torches, let me make it clear that I think the Craiginator sounds heavenly, but I just can't afford the price.
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morrissey2k7 said:
I don't get why people post stuff like this. Let's say nothing new is dev'd for the GP2X from this day forward... It's not as though all the GP2X's in the world will suddenly shut themselves off en masse and never work again. There's a treasure trove of programs, apps, emulators, games already created for the GP2X that provide an almost infinite selection of possibilities. By it's very nature the GP2X has a "lifespan" that is MUCH longer than any other console/handheld out there simply because it's main focus is NOT commercial games. You can say any other system is "dying" when the production of commercial games tapers off in interest of newer systems, but any GP2X user can come to this site and find all sorts of wonderful things to use with their unit, FOR FREE! Yes, the GP2X will not "advance" and suddenly find itself playing Saturn or N64 games, but when it comes to choices, and options, the GP2X is the bees knees! :lol: Seriously, though if you want an awesome handheld that can support tons and tons and tons of great games without having to buy some extra peripheral (unlike other systems where you have to buy a memory card or whatnot to allow for emulation), then GP2X is the way to go.

And I don't get why everyone's advising him to get a Craiginator. Yes, it's the best thing to come along since sliced bread, but it sounds like he wants a new handheld NOW, and he stated that he can't afford both the GP2X AND the DS, so even if the Craiginator was here today I bet he'd have issues paying for it! As awesome as THAT system sounds, I can't see paying $300 plus for ANY video game system, much less a handheld. And I know that it's the cost of the materials used to make the thing, but I simply can't find a place in my budget for it. Before the villagers come to my house with torches, let me make it clear that I think the Craiginator sounds heavenly, but I just can't afford the price.
Hear, hear. :)
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Well, I'm just saying... I've read threads on here along the lines of "Oh noez! OMG! This community is dying because no new ____ (fill in the blank) are being created for the GP2X!". I suppose it all depends on what you're using your GP2X for, but I honestly thought it's main focus was GAMING. It's really hard to imagine that anyone could ever become bored with their GP2X, from a gamer's standpoint. Yes, the GP2X will never be any better than it is now (meaning, we're not going to see emulation from any newer generations of gaming consoles), but the sheer amount of systems it CAN emulate should keep any gamer occupied for a long long time.
jpic3yk said:
The way I see it is the DS could hold you over for now with DS/GBA games, and for now just use a pc for your emulation needs. Just wait for the craiginator, it will be much better for emulation then the gp2x and the way I see it the DS would hold it's value better too, so you could sell that down the road when the craiginator comes out (listed as early 2008 on the wiki page). I know this is a gp2x board so most people are unhappy he went with the DS.
I really don't care what he will do, I don't think its a good idea try to get people to buy a gp2x when they are not suited for it. if you want the same as everybody (commercial games) and don't want to invest a bit of time to get to know the machine better it is best to buy a DS/PSP. He needs to realize he will not have better homebrew/emulation on the DS. Also screen is worse,

I also think it is bad advise to wait for te craiginator. It will take a couple of months before it is released and much longer to get it on par with the GP2X. If it is released it will be the best handheld ever (I think and hope), but for now it's just a promising idea.
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Sorry everyone, I started this thread asking for advice, I never meant it to erupt into a war. I have nothing against the gp2x I'm sure its great and would suit me but with the R4 I can read ebooks, play some emulators and If I'm honest it will also allow me to play NDS files.

Again I thank you for your opinions.
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