

Forum Addict!
Oct 3, 2008
OK, since there was no movement on this great game, I thought I'd take a crack at it.

It already exists on MAEMO for the Nokia ARM tablets - so it should be doable.

So, I downloaded a bunch of C compiler bits using OPKG (I'm running the OS from a 32GB SDHC) and to make a whole day's work of crashing and recoving my Pandora's OS short - I didn't get far enough to even try to compile anything. The errors that I was getting dealt with version mismatches and then a complete lock up that wouldn't reboot (not from the SD anyway). I love having the NAND as a backup OS - very cool feature.

So... Where should I really be starting on this? How are you guys getting proper version C++ compiler resources set up so you can actually compile stuff?

Would any of the compile/PND wizards out there be willing to make a PND this great game?

We have Supertux(1). Frankly it's OK, if it were 1998. SuperTux 2 on the other hand is great fun.
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I think ive been the only one to build this at one time, it was a while ago. Some things to consider:

1. Min default Resolution is 800x600 (supertux devs never seem to let our mobile tech catch up ;-) )

2. There was a sw renderer, thought it would go away. So it may be need to convert to GLES. Really need to consider since the sw render is super slow.

3. How far is development of the game itself today, seemed early in the dev when i built it.

As for building a standard cross-compiler with SDL should work. Cant remember but i think they use cmake now?
I think ive been the only one to build this at one time, it was a while ago. Some things to consider:

1. Min default Resolution is 800x600 (supertux devs never seem to let our mobile tech catch up ;-) )

2. There was a sw renderer, thought it would go away. So it may be need to convert to GLES. Really need to consider since the sw render is super slow.

3. How far is development of the game itself today, seemed early in the dev when i built it.

As for building a standard cross-compiler with SDL should work. Cant remember but i think they use cmake now?

What I could find from above.

1. It's available as compiled ARM or source code for MAEMO. From what I read up on, it runs on an N900 - which would be 800x480 - which happens to match.

2. If the SW render is an issue - how was in handled in the MAEMO port - don't know.

3. The development of the game itself is complete and functional. I have no idea why they still put a 0.3 version on it.

If you have an ubuntu or debian desktop, I highly encourage you to install this one - it is available on synaptic, just search for tux.

Some of the big features over Supertux 1 include omnidirectional scrolling - maps can now be recursive and loop. Keys, manipulable objects, switches, springs, lanterns, air currents, water, under water, lighting effects... It has become a truly interesting puzzle game.

Install it. Play it. Help figure out how to get it on the Pandora.

Then - figure out how to install the level editor on the Pandora.

If that happens though, my 9 year old twin boys are going to each want their own Pandora.
Then grab my toolchain (see sig : yactfeau).

Grab the maemo sources.

Create a project with my toolchain for this.

Remove libosso dependency if any (removing all the offending calls should be enough)

build it

and package it :)
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Is there someplace with more detailed instructions on how to do this?

Frankly I'm a complete newbie when it comes to compiling from source.

Where does a person download the toolchain from? What exactly IS the toolchain?

Downloading the Maemo source is the easy part from my above link.

Create a project in your toolchain - and how to do this is documented where?

What is libosso and how do I know if it needs to have it's dependency removed - and what exactly is an offending call? Jerkey boys or what?

Build it - is this the make command?

Package it - is this making a PND of it? I haven't gotten this far yet in even searching for 'how to' guides.

Everyone has to start somewhere.

If someone else wants to port this over and create a PND instead of waiting for me to stumble around - go for it.
I looked at the Maemo page, but I can't seem to find any source code - the "source package" just has the binary in it (plus what looks like whatever files are needed to turn it into a .deb).
I looked at the Maemo page, but I can't seem to find any source code - the "source package" just has the binary in it (plus what looks like whatever files are needed to turn it into a .deb).
Click on the link named "source", than you have a page offering you 2 files, including this one.
Click on the link named "source", than you have a page offering you 2 files, including this one.
Sorry, that's the file I was referring to. The actual upstream Supertux2 source is over 50 MB. I haven't managed to find the Maemo-modified code at all.
Here is a thread about uninstalling it from an N900 (MAEMO device):

The interesting part about it is that they're uninstalling TWO packages, right?

"dpkg --remove --force-all supertux2 supertux2-data"

So the link to the binary/small source above may just be the game mechanics and a 2nd install is for the data files?

Another one - may be the key link:

This should be the source code compiled on Debian for ARM processors?

I haven't figured out yet why to the world it is SuperTux2 and to the development community it is Supertux_0.3.3-2

It seems to have a never ending beta cycle.
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I have been traveling nearly nonstop for the last two months with no end in sight. Is there someone else out there that could take a look at this?
I have been traveling nearly nonstop for the last two months with no end in sight. Is there someone else out there that could take a look at this?

Mr Rob seems to be doing a port of Supertux 0.3. There's a topic here:

BTW, about the versioning and your confusion: "supertux2" is just used as an easy package name so that it doesn't "upgrade" the stable version of SuperTux (0.1.3). Its actual title is "Supertux Milestone 1.9". It's an unstable release series intended to work towards Milestone 2, which will be version 0.4.
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I have been traveling nearly nonstop for the last two months with no end in sight. Is there someone else out there that could take a look at this?

Mr Rob seems to be doing a port of Supertux 0.3. There's a topic here:

BTW, about the versioning and your confusion: "supertux2" is just used as an easy package name so that it doesn't "upgrade" the stable version of SuperTux (0.1.3). Its actual title is "Supertux Milestone 1.9". It's an unstable release series intended to work towards Milestone 2, which will be version 0.4.

I didn't want to be the one to necropost to this thread when the other one already references back to here...

You keep stating how this is the, "Unstable release blah blah" but the reality is that it's been highly usable and stable for game play on Linux machines for 3+ years now.

Yes, it is common to call it SuperTux2 because it makes SuperTux look like a beta concept AND in the Ubuntu repository it's called SuperTux2.

To continue the pointless version trivia - from what I can tell there has never been a version 1.0 of SuperTux. Could it be that being continuously in development is part of the point?

And yes, Mr Rob is doing a GREAT job on creating a port of what 90+% of the desktop Linux users of the world who use/play this software call SuperTux2.