That's propably the wifi LED, works better with than without HF3. Leds: SD1,SD2,Wifi,BT --- hinge --- empty,empty,charge,power. Silkscreening was left out (could have been poorly aligned and could have caused more delays), anyways doesnt the quick start guide contain also the LED assignments (i dont remember)?.
Got Coleco and Atari emulators running and loading ROMs. Thanks for your help, people! If I run into any more issues, I sure as heck know where to ask!
Agreed and done. It's going to be a little less familiar for Linux newbies, so I've added some notes. I'll go and add it to the wiki now.
Here is your SD card as it will appear in Thunar, the default file browser on the Pandora. Figure 1 is the SD card itself (yours will have a different name). Figure 2 shows us that a /pandora folder has already been created on the card, and we're browsing inside it. Figure 3 shows the subfolders within the /pandora folder.
I only just dropped in on this thread and before i started reading i thought i'd learn nothing from this thread, but i did: This forum can still be the nice place i remember
On the screenshots, i'd place them side by side, nice linux/windows comparison as well : )