Super Newb Taking On Pandora & Linux...


Still Fresh
Oct 3, 2008
Thanks for any help in advance. I'm sure you folks are all asking good questions in this forum. Honestly, most of it is swahili to me. :D

So, here's my current issue: got my Pandora, got it charged, put two 8GB SD cards in, which it recognises. Good so far.

Instructions for "dummies" sez:

Installation of a PND file is so easy, I almost wouldn't call it installing. Let's assume you have a blank SD card, you want to first create the folders that will contain the PND files. We will define the root of the SD card to be <SD>/ (likely to be something like G:/ on Windows). You want to set up the card to contain the following:


Okay, so, my SD cards both show up as "SD/something" already, and it won't let me delete the "something" and rename them "<SD>/pandora/appdata", for instance. I tried creating folders for "appdata", "desktop", and "menu" on an SD card, but my PND files didn't show up on the desktop or in the menu once I placed them in there.

Also, once the PND files for an emulator are where they should be, do ROM files generally go in the same spot, or in sub-directories, like in Windows?

Sorry, but you're wrong here. Here's the Wiz/Caaanoo section. ;)