

Still Fresh
Jan 12, 2006

Source code :

So first excuse my poor english :P

So this is an early version of my sudoku2x game :

To play :

- use arrows to move "game" selector
- use L/R to move "number" selector
- A/X : set the number
- Y/B : delete number
- start : pause/save menu

Things that works :

- compute random difficult grids
- check mistakes
- timer
- difficulty selection
- save game
- pause game

Things to do :

- check when user won
- music
- underclock the processor
- ...

Enjoy :D
Looks good! Once you add a couple of the things on your todo list I'm sure I will find myself playing this quite frequently!
Nice work. Good to see you are generating the grids and not storing them in the program as data. And a timer - excellent.
Also, could you please implement a save feature :D

Another thing i'd like to say is that sometimes the grey numbers are hard to read on the blue. That is all :D

Great work btw :)
green numbers:




Update ! :D

Things added :

- main menu
- load/save games
- in game menu (pause / save / exit)
- alien8's theme ;)

Wow :)

The errors detection makes the game very easy , is possible an option to deactivate it?


Red with text:

Blue with text :

Red no text:

Blue no text:

It's fun and it looks great, plus the save feature is handy. When I load the save file, though, the time restarts.

Actually, that only happens when I quit. It seems that the timer resets when the program starts, and then just keeps going as long as the program is running.

And I'd like to see green too :)
green :

and gold :


the button click ( GP2X_BUTTON_CLICK ) can be useful for to select numbers and options menus.
Update ... <_<

Fixes :

- We can now see/change game's difficulty (use difficulty in menu, warning : with custom difficulty, computing can last 10 seconds )
- "Freeze" timer during pause
- savegames restore timer

Previous savegames don't work with this version

alien8 : i will create a setup menu with :
- set/unset the "auto-correct" option
- choose theme
- choose music path (it will play user's music during game)

Is it me or does the main menu background look identical to that from a PSP's menu? Not that I'm complaining or anything... just interested...
Is it me or does the main menu background look identical to that from a PSP's menu? Not that I'm complaining or anything... just interested...

Yes , the first menu background i made is from psp´s menu :) , the latest is a macosx style, i made some graphics for PSP sudoku and i use them for my first background.

Sorry for my "Spanglis" too B)
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this is really excellent!
and i love the fact that you are generating your own grids rather than loading pre-stored ones. great!
Nice one.

But I like to scribble numbers into the squares which are possible for that square. Sometimes you come accross a square, which you know has to contain one of a few numbers, you know which don't belong in there, but you still don't know which is the correct one. It would be great to "scribble" them into the squares of your Sudoku game, too. Like writing 2-4 small numbers in there.