Someone posted a while back that someone on E-bay was shifting SD cards as 4Gb, which were actually 1Gb; chinese imports if I remember correctly. This could be a reason - you may have been duped - check on your card label, or the internet to see what the card you think you bought actually looks like (in case it is different - just a thought).
Other reason is format - I think I am right in saying that FAT or FAT16 is only good for up to 1Gb, FAT32 for higher. I could be wrong on this (in which case someone will correct me no doubt!).
If your SD card shows in Windows as 4Gb however, but 1Gb on the GP2x, it is more likely that the GP2x can't read that brand of card correctly and believes it is something it isn't (ie a 1Gb card). Just a thought.