Tried to search to see if this question has been posed in a single post before but no luck, hopefully not repeating a post! I do remember people posing it here and there in various threads.
- How much stock of spare batteries does OpenPandora have?
- And has OP looked into available lighter weight batteries ? Is it possible for the future?
Curious since I am testing my battery and so using just a mains power source with Pandora, the difference in weight is appreciable!
Tried to search to see if this question has been posed in a single post before but no luck, hopefully not repeating a post! I do remember people posing it here and there in various threads.
- How much stock of spare batteries does OpenPandora have?
- And has OP looked into available lighter weight batteries ? Is it possible for the future?
Curious since I am testing my battery and so using just a mains power source with Pandora, the difference in weight is appreciable!