STILL Wanted: 1GHz Pandora

Aether Lion

Staff member
Dec 6, 2012
Halfway Between Hell and Purgatory, Pennsylvania
Hey, just got done talking to Wally a few days ago, I think he basically said I could post here although I am new (Along with anyone else that is new) but just "be warned" of newcomers, they may be fake and steal your Pandora/other items/cash/so on...!!! SOOO Without further ado, here goes nothing!I am trading my Virtual Glasses for a 1GHz Pandora.

I am also willing to trade anything here:

​Inbox Me Questions!

4GB Virtual Glasses

Admit it, when you first opened this post, you did not know what the hell these were, well, now you get to find out!

  • Like how the Pandora can play SEGA and NES and GBA/GBC games, so can these glasses!
  • They have an SD port that you can pop in and SD card to. (I don't know the biggest one you can put in.)
  • What you do is put the glasses on, and with the controller that is included you can play games, it has a built in camera, it can read ebooks, it can listen to music, and play videos (I believe AVI format.)
  • It comes with an adapter so you can PLUG IN YOUR XBOX/PS3/WII/DVD PLAYER and PLAY IT THROUGH THE GLASSES! (Sweet, right?)
  • The battery is fairly long-lasting
  • I am including a transfer/charging cable (it uses the same transfer cable as the Pandora, forget the name right off-hand)
Inbox Me Questions!


The glasses have a little bit of electrical tape where the wire enters the glasses, it does not affect A SINGLE THING, just letting you know.

That's it as far as problems!


If you were to throw in 2 64GB cards and a MiniHDMI-to-RCA cable, I can throw in Gears of War for the XBOX and SUPER SWEET BBs for the gun (I don't know how many, maybe 1000? Either way, they are REALLY nice.)!

Picture 82.jpg

Picture 81.jpg

Picture 70.jpg

Picture 69.jpg

My "Verification" picture, had an item prohibited from the forums in it, I am not in the mood to talk about it right now, nor take another picture[especially since I am on my Pandora], go complain to Wally about it...
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If you sell to someone in the uk the airsoft has to be painted AT LEAST half in neon type colors .
Only the tip is black, but if it needs painted neon just to be able to send to UK, the purchaser needs to pay for the paint (Unless we can work out something), and they will also need to pay for shipping anyways (I cannot afford to pay for shipping. This is non-negotiable).

This airsoft gun regulates to USA (Pennsylvania is where I am) standards, seeing as it has the orange tip.

Thank you for letting me know, 2bit. :)
Errr, I don't know right off hand, I know that the inside of the glasses resembles a 40 inch theater(ACTUALLY, I think it is 72). :p/>

EDIT: The inside of the glasses is pretty freaking sweet! I love it alot, I used the hell out of it, and would if I weren't trading it. As you can see from the pics, it is in pretty good condition!
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Can you provide some model numbers, brands and other identifying marks so I can look them up (both the gun and the glasses). Just last weekend I played airsoft for the first time and loved it. I rented a gun, but didn't have one of my own. If I can look up both the gun and the glasses, I'll see if it is a good deal or not.
Can you provide some model numbers, brands and other identifying marks so I can look them up (both the gun and the glasses). Just last weekend I played airsoft for the first time and loved it. I rented a gun, but didn't have one of my own. If I can look up both the gun and the glasses, I'll see if it is a good deal or not.

I have no serial number whatsoever for the glasses, there is none on them, and I don't have any packaging., I think it is basically the same thing with the Airsoft, and the fact that, even if there were a serial number on the gun I have no clue how to find it. Yet, on the glasses, I have looked everywhere on them to no avail. :p Sorry! :(

I know the FPS on the gun is correct, and I have tested for my self the BBs/second.
Only the tip is black, but if it needs painted neon just to be able to send to UK, the purchaser needs to pay for the paint (Unless we can work out something), and they will also need to pay for shipping anyways (I cannot afford to pay for shipping. This is non-negotiable).

This airsoft gun regulates to USA (Pennsylvania is where I am) standards, seeing as it has the orange tip.

Thank you for letting me know, 2bit. :)/>
Yep and , btw Wally airsoft guns are classified as toys ( same ilk as paintball ) under us law ( bit of an airsoft player meself ) i don't know bout anywhere else .

Edit : I don't know what paintball is classified as but I am assumed you knew what paintball was .
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Not allowed to have any weapons here in Australia without permit.

We here at OpenPandora forums do not want to be responsible for any accident that happens with weapons so they are NOT up for sale.
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Last I checked Craigslist was more dangerous than eBay .