Hello All,
A bit late replying to this thread, but yeah, I still use a whole load of my older handhelds.
I've been busy updating MAME4ALL on the Dingoo A320 and now have rolled all my updates so that my other handhelds: GCW-Zero, GP2X, Wiz, Nanonote, Zaurus can also enjoy these updates.
I've also been busy with my own XMAME port for GCW-Zero, Pandora, Raspberry PI and Creator CI-20.
Of all the handhelds I have I think the GP2X is the best all rounder [once the controller is modded].
I changed my GP2X F-100s to DaveC's N-GAGE pad as soon as I could (at least 7 years ago now) and it's still going strong!
I recently modded my 2nd F-100 so that it's also has DaveC's pad (it's my backup unit).
I recently acquired an F-200 - it's so nice EXCEPT the D-PAD! All these years I was thinking thinking the D-PAD on the F-200 would rock - not really. Is there a good mod for this one?
The GCW-Zero also rocks but it should given it's vintage compared to the GP2X.
So has anyone else got a Sharp Zaurus? I have a CL-860 and recently ported MAME4ALL to it... For a 400Mhz ARM CPU machine it's disappointingly slow. Here I'm thinking superior speeds to GP2X but sorely mistaken. I'm using Cacko v1.23, BVVM, libsdl 1.2.5-slzaurus20041025-j from the Cacko feed. This seems to be the only libsdl which properly supports 320x240 modes on my Zaurus.