Stella For Gp2x

Ping! There's the problem. In an earlier post, someone found the limit of the loader to be low... he estimated under 256 roms. Unfortunately, I used the loader as-is so I inherited the bugs associated with it on top of any in the port. Lower the ammount of roms to less than 256 (I only put the ones I like anyway) and see what happens.

I tried with 255 ROMs and it works fine for me, even those converted from *.a26 files. Latest firmware, 100Mb space on card. I found that any more ROMs than this stumped the browser.
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BTW: Complaints do not offend me. If no one ever complained, nothing would ever get fixed. Keep the comments coming.


Well if I had to make one it would be the lack of sound. I am one of those that won't even bother putting on my card until it has sound. To me that is a big part of the experience. I know that the emu is early so I assume it will have sound someday (I hope). Do you think it will be possible to add it and still have it run at a decent speed?

Also for the ROM limit couldn't you just allow folder browsing to fix that? So this way you cound put all roms starting with an A,B or C in a directory called ABC. Then have another directory DEF and so on. This way you can divide the romset up by directory and have as many as you want on the card.

Maybe refer to the chart in my sig for joystick options. I would suggest "case 2" .

Looking forward to this. A decent 2600 emu has always been hard to come by.
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TelcoLou's problem was most likely caused by an overload of roms, not the archive. Tar.gz is a reliable format and unless I get many more complaints (more than two), the archive stays tar.gz. :P
It looked like I had the same problem as well.

BTW - looks great! Some sound and diagonal input and we're off to the races :)
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Ok... well that's odd about the archive. I'll go ahead a set it up as a zip file just to do away with any further issues. There's no use in being stubborn when when nothing gets solved. :blink:

Thanks for the zip DemonStar55.
Ok... well that's odd about the archive. I'll go ahead a set it up as a zip file just to do away with any further issues. There's no use in being stubborn when when nothing gets solved. :blink:

Thanks for the zip DemonStar55.
you're welcome, I felt dirty making a zip in linux tho lol
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UPDATE: I've gotten some sound (garbled, but definitely 2600) after a recompile with different libraries. It is showing signs of promise. Also, I've implemented rough diagonal support, although I have yet to test it fully. The 2nd start bug still eludes me. Before anyone gets too excited, I am going to do some thorough testing to make sure the sound comes out at least half-way decent. As soon as I get the sound the way I like it, I will release to the general public (maybe the next couple of days at the latest).

Also, can anyone give me the name of a few games that demonstrate diagonals clearly? I can't tell for sure if it's working in Boxing, maybe a shooter of some kind? Thanx peeps.

EDIT: The sound is not so garbled as it is tinny. The sound is also too dynamic... the music is extremely loud, and the SFX are extremely quiet.
UPDATE: I've gotten some sound (garbled, but definitely 2600) after a recompile with different libraries. It is showing signs of promise. Also, I've implemented rough diagonal support, although I have yet to test it fully. The 2nd start bug still eludes me. Before anyone gets too excited, I am going to do some thorough testing to make sure the sound comes out at least half-way decent. As soon as I get the sound the way I like it, I will release to the general public (maybe the next couple of days at the latest).

Also, can anyone give me the name of a few cames that demonstrate diagonals clearly? I can't tell for sure if it's working in Boxing, maybe a shooter of some kind? Thanx peeps.

How about folder support to divide ROMs so that we can put the whole set on the card (by splitting up groups of roms)?

Cool about sound support hope you can suss that out :)

Also the joystick problem is not that it doesn't do diagonals it is that it does them TOO easy. (more about this later as I have found the problem) . The "case 2 " from the chart in my sig would be the best config here.

Thanks for the great work, this will be great if it will work full speed w/sound.
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Also, can anyone give me the name of a few cames that demonstrate diagonals clearly? I can't tell for sure if it's working in Boxing, maybe a shooter of some kind? Thanx peeps.
Try Berzerk. First game I tried, and not being able to shoot diagonally is a bit of a problem for the player :)
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I'm totally stoked for this one. I can't wait for sound support - esp. with the 2600 ... probably the most recognizable game sounds of all time (kthx PacMan2600 dying).
I just got picked up by the Stella team and they have some source that will allow me to use the native gui. This means no more loader, zip archives, and easy diagonals for all. Thank you, Eckhard!

Cool, we are all pulling for you. Good luck. This will go on my card as soon as it has sound. Great :)

Oh by the way a case 2 joystick config is almost a requirement in order to make the joystick behave correctly. Otherwise we will get accidental diagonals whether we want them or not. See the joystick internal thread for the reason.
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I just got picked up by the Stella team and they have some source that will allow me to use the native gui. This means no more loader, zip archives, and easy diagonals for all. Thank you, Eckhard!

Cool, we are all pulling for you. Good luck. This will go on my card as soon as it has sound. Great :)

Oh by the way a case 2 joystick config is almost a requirement in order to make the joystick behave correctly. Otherwise we will get accidental diagonals whether we want them or not. See the joystick internal thread for the reason.

Gotcha. Will do as soon as I know where the code goes.
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Just wanted to give everyone an update. I've been working with Steve Anthony, lead developer on the Stella team, and things have been going extremely well. My port is now incorporated into the main development branch, and I will be maintaining the GP2X port. We've gotten to the point now where sound works nicely (sounds very close to original to me), the native GUI is navigable via a joymouse setup, diagonals have been implemented, and gameplay is normal with sound. There are still some bugs that need to be worked out, but I think the difference between the initial release of 2.0.1 and 2.1 will be night and day. As for the release date, I can't say for sure, but we are shooting for sometime this month.

The major changes include:
Normal gameplay with sound
Native GUI (ROM launcher with ZIP support and no 255 ROM limit)
Joymouse emulation and navigation
Snapshot support (PNG)
Diagonal support
Cheat support
ROM folder flexibility

Basically, all available features that Stella offers will be accessible in the next release.

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. Thanx for the enthusiasm. Until then.