Stella For Gp2x

zansatsu posted on Mar 1 2006 at 12:34 AM said:

Okie dokie. Revision 2 is up at my site or the gp2x archives. Warlords is fixed. We are still working on the item skip bug. You will now have three files in your main directory instead of the previous 2. Cheats were also disabled, the reason is two fold: without a keyboard, you can't use the cheat feature and disabling the cheats cuts down on writes to the SD. Thanks all.

Cheats? Bah! cheats are for wussies anyway. Real men don't cheat :P

Cool I will check out later, thanks.
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Wow cool going to have to try later.

One thing though I am not sure if you are going to re-do the interface or not according to the previous suggestions.

In the mean time though would it be possible to remove that re-load rom thing in the selector and put it in a pop-up menu? It is not something that you do all of the time, and pretty much only do it when you first set up the emu so it is not needed very much after that. Due to the flakeyness of the stick many times you will be browsing the ROM list and accidentally register a side movement on the stick accidentally placing it over the re-load button. Unaware of it you hit the button to load the game and get the message "reading ROMS" or whatever and it sits there for a minute while reloading 3000 ROMs. You then say out loud NOOOOOOOooooo I didn't want to do that!

Otherwise it is fantastic.
DaveC posted on Mar 2 2006 at 02:17 PM said:
Wow cool going to have to try later.

One thing though I am not sure if you are going to re-do the interface or not according to the previous suggestions.

In the mean time though would it be possible to remove that re-load rom thing in the selector and put it in a pop-up menu? It is not something that you do all of the time, and pretty much only do it when you first set up the emu so it is not needed very much after that. Due to the flakeyness of the stick many times you will be browsing the ROM list and accidentally register a side movement on the stick accidentally placing it over the re-load button. Unaware of it you hit the button to load the game and get the message "reading ROMS" or whatever and it sits there for a minute while reloading 3000 ROMs. You then say out loud NOOOOOOOooooo I didn't want to do that!

Otherwise it is fantastic.

A complete interface change is beyond the scope of the current Stella project. While we may enhance the interface in the next version, the fixed scroll issue should aid in navigation for now.

As for the writes to the SD, it is on the slate to be addressed. The amount of writes are minimal at the moment and we plan to bring them down further. But again, this will be addressed in the next version.
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Cool, what sort of interface enhancements will there be? I think that the emulation part is awesome. The interface is not too bad although mouse pointer type navigation is a bit figety with a joystick.

Are you taking any suggestions for the interface?
DaveC posted on Mar 2 2006 at 02:39 PM said:
Cool, what sort of interface enhancements will there be? I think that the emulation part is awesome.

Are you taking any suggestions for the interface?

Post all suggestions to the Bug Report/Suggestions thread.
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