Starting Roms From Within Gmenu2x


Nov 22, 2006

I just installed the latest Gmenu2x, and i gotta say, it's BEAUTIFULL! Nicely done, but here's my question, i'd like to setup my menu in such a way that i have sections called eg [RPG's] [Shmups] [Platform] ... with in those sections links to the roms, selecting a rom should then launch the emu with the rom.

Can this be done? Easilly?
*unsure information to follow*

If an emulator supports command line you can set gmenu2x up so when you click an emulator a list of your related ROMs will appear (in your GMenu style) and once pressed obviously they will be loaded..

unhelpful? :D
mdinire posted on Dec 14 2006 at 09:36 PM said:
*unsure information to follow*

If an emulator supports command line you can set gmenu2x up so when you click an emulator a list of your related ROMs will appear (in your GMenu style) and once pressed obviously they will be loaded..

unhelpful? :D

Uhm yes & no, that's not what i want to do, but you did give me an idea involving making shellscripts.... still, would require me to make a shellscript for every rom i want to put in the menu, and i'm not sure if all emu's support giving a rom as a parameter....
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You can do it, thusly (this example is for PicoDrive .. adjust your paths appropriately):

description=SEGA Genesis

... type that stuff in programmer's notepad, save it as 'PicoDrive', or whatever you like, and voila! You can select a rom, and it launches it! (selectorscreens is the location for screenshots named the same as the rom, with a .png extension)
TelcoLou posted on Dec 14 2006 at 10:27 PM said:
You can do it, thusly (this example is for PicoDrive .. adjust your paths appropriately):

description=SEGA Genesis

... type that stuff in programmer's notepad, save it as 'PicoDrive', or whatever you like, and voila! You can select a rom, and it launches it! (selectorscreens is the location for screenshots named the same as the rom, with a .png extension)

Euh, no, that's not what i want ;)

Let me explain a little more, i want to have a section "RPG", a section "Platform", a section "Shoot'm Up", in the section RPG i'd then place an icon for Final Fantasy, Phantasy Star, Y's,.... in section platform an icon for Sonic, Mario Bross.... and in Shoot'm up i'd then place icons for Gyruss, R-Type....

You see what i mean? ;)
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He wants to have roms of the same gener for different machines in one directory, but Amon_Re, if you don't want to do them file by file then each emulator's roms must have a unique file extension, which will mean that huge spcae will be lost because you wont be able to zip your roms :(
Amon_Re posted on Dec 14 2006 at 04:40 PM said:
TelcoLou posted on Dec 14 2006 at 10:27 PM said:
You can do it, thusly (this example is for PicoDrive .. adjust your paths appropriately):

description=SEGA Genesis

... type that stuff in programmer's notepad, save it as 'PicoDrive', or whatever you like, and voila! You can select a rom, and it launches it! (selectorscreens is the location for screenshots named the same as the rom, with a .png extension)

Euh, no, that's not what i want ;)

Let me explain a little more, i want to have a section "RPG", a section "Platform", a section "Shoot'm Up", in the section RPG i'd then place an icon for Final Fantasy, Phantasy Star, Y's,.... in section platform an icon for Sonic, Mario Bross.... and in Shoot'm up i'd then place icons for Gyruss, R-Type....

You see what i mean? ;)

Ah, yes ... I suppose you could set up several sections, and under each section, create your links to pre-made bash scripts, but see ... not every emu has comand line support, and you'd soon run out of allowed sections & icons anyway ...
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Rats! Well, the allowed amount of sections & icons probably won't be that big of a problem, i don't keep thousands of roms stacked on my SD card anyway, guess for now i'll have to make do with batch scripting the whole bunch.

(Or i could poke Ryo to add this feature, but i don't want to impose myself :p)

Sorry, but i have no idea what you mean with using different fileextensions & unzipping the whole lot of them, it's quite simple really, all you would need to be able to do in GMenu2x would be to select a rom, and an executable that runs it, that's it (if the emu supports this offcourse)
No need for shell scripts, but you still need command line support in your emulators, and if they don't come sith such a support, then there's nothing you can do...

Adjusting the link TelcoLou suggested here's what you are searching for:
description=Sonic with PicoDrive

Basically you just add the filepath of the rom as a parameter to the emulator. I think you can guess yourself how to do it for different roms/emulators now...
Ryo posted on Dec 15 2006 at 02:39 PM said:
No need for shell scripts, but you still need command line support in your emulators, and if they don't come sith such a support, then there's nothing you can do...

Adjusting the link TelcoLou suggested here's what you are searching for:
description=Sonic with PicoDrive

Basically you just add the filepath of the rom as a parameter to the emulator. I think you can guess yourself how to do it for different roms/emulators now...

Yaay! thx, that's the info i need :) BTW, i don't suppose Gmenu2x supports Copy & Paste? ;)
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Is there a limit to the size of params ? For some reason the frameskipping doesn't work in this one:

title=Y's - The Vanished Omens
description=Y's - The Vanished Omens
icon=/mnt/sd/gmenu2x/icons/Phantasy star II.png
exec=/mnt/sd/Sega Master System/alexkidd2x.gpe
params="/mnt/sd/Sega Master System/Roms/Y's - The Vanished Omens (UE) [!].zip" --fskip 0
Ryo posted on Dec 17 2006 at 04:39 PM said:
There's no limit. Maybe the emulator as limits in parsing command line arguments...

Well, did some tests, shortening the path & rom name, and Alexkidd2x still ignores the frameskip parameters, so something must be going wrong, don't ask me where tho, i got no clue :p
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