

Jun 6, 2006
What is it project? Any screenshots? I want now all!!!

And Armor of Acheron G!

Sorry for my english =)
Stargazer was the secret US gov project during the cold war, which utilized clearvoyants and other ESP-capable personnel, to locate/discover soviet secrets.
Doing a large project in one's spare time takes a lot of calendar time. It's difficult to resist talking about projects that are in progress, so it's easy to end up with something that is "vaporware" for a long time. I would expect a decent game done as a hobby to take a year or more... a figure of about 1000 hours seems about right for a small-scale decent game. Games of the commercial quality you see on consoles like the PSP with user bases 1,000 times as high as the gp2x (yes, there are 1000 PSPs or DSs for each gp2x) probably take more like 10,000 hours all told to develop (not just coding of course).

So we might see some ambitious projects completed for the gp2x but don't be surprised if it takes quite a while yet for the biggest efforts to bear fruit, and forgive the people working on them for occasionally discussing what they do when the rest of the world watches TV.
Stargazer is a high-end original game designed for the GP2X, a vertical shooter that combines the style of multiple common shooter varieties for a very unique play experience. The graphics are an new style we like to call 'Neo-16bit': as though you took a classic 16-bit arcade game, shot it full of steroids and put it on modern hardware with all its new capabilities. Music is a special blend of classic chiptuney songs with a modern trancey feel as well.

We've stayed mostly quiet about it recently due to being in talks with a publisher to release it as a boxed commercial product for the GP2X (independent of GBAX/GPH.) A port to the XGP console series is also probable. That said, we hope to be able to make announcements before too long and show you what we've been up to.

Armor of Acheron G is a first-person shooter with single-player and multiplayer elements, and a unique mix of 3D polygon and sprite based graphical styling, unique weaponry and combat elements. It uses the Quake engine as a base. A more graphically intense version is planned for XGP handhelds. This will, in all likelihood, be released free of charge and distributed online.
Cool but screenshots? And don't talk me about XGP i don't like that device i am waiting next version of GP2X from GPH not from GP =)
As I said; I can't release any promotional materials like screenshots, until we agree on it officially. As for the XGP .. you should probably start liking it; since it's essentially the same hardware internally as the GP2X with a few extra features. As for GP, they seem to be a pretty decent company and have their heads on straighter than GPH do. :)
GamePark intends to allow homebrew software to run on the machine. I imagine they'll probably make the OS open-source *IF* it is Linux based.. I am pushing them to do so and implement it in a similar way as the GP2X. Their site says it will be an option. If it IS, then it must be open-source due to the GPL.
I'm probably not the best person to describe music, heh. It's a mix of modern and classic styles-- but by that, I don't mean you'd want to jump onto the dancefloor with your GP2X as a makeshift glowstick popping hits of ecstasy and going 'oontz oontz oontz'.