Starcraft on the Pandora


Still Fresh
hey guys, apologies if the question has been asked before. Now that the pandora has 256MB of ram, would starcraft be playable through DOSbox if a decent port is made?
Thanks :)
you may attempt to run it in a virtual machine but that'd be really slow... I know for a fact that diablo 2 had 2D rendering modes so it could run in a typical VM, dunno what starcraft uses though...
Adventus has confirmed that he'll be bringing Stratagus to Pandora. Basically, that will give us Wargus (Warcraft II) and Stargus (Starcraft). He ported Wargus to GP2X recently, and did a bang up job. :)

So, just sit back and wait! And maybe Paypal a few bucks to him.
I'm having trouble with the stargus website... how does it look compared to regular starcraft? is there any way to have network play?
His website appears to be dead?
any other way to contact the developer?
Also, I checked youtube for any gameplay videos, didnt find any :(
would someone link me to a few.
Thanks :)
Try here:

There's a single screenshot, and a download link. If you have your own copy of Starcraft, you can download Stargus and give it a run.

I don't know if work is continuing on it, but even if we got on Pandora in its existing state, I'd be pretty excited!
This is slightly off topic, but if I recall, the original Command and Conquer started out in DOS, before the win95 version (now freeware) was released. I'm not sure DosBox can handle it though. I know I had a Pentium 66mhz at the time I played it. Oh well, Here's hoping.