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Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
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I've had my gp32 for about 2 weeks now, one mate bought one straight after seeing it and dreaming of retro-heaven- he is really pleased. Some other friends tonight saw it and straight away decided to buy one for their son for christmas. Various other people I've shown it to are set on getting one....

I'm feeling like I'm a publicity rep for gamepark!!! The community is growing in my town already..

What with the zodiac being hot topic on these boards I can safely say that there is no way that the gp32 will lose it's appeal- there's tons of support with the emulators, what we have already is more than ample to play with regardless of all the requests for the next versions of the emulators from the bloodsucking (no offence) non-coding public. Even if none of the development for it continued it doesn't matter to me as the wealth of software already available is immense. People will always desire for better/faster/flashier features in every electronic device- no matter how advanced.

So anyway, after all that rambling all I have to say, really, is that my new toy has a long life ahead of it. Large portions of respect to all the hardworking coders out there who made it possible :D

i thought the word to spread was legs, ahh well I already know of Gp32. Actually to me it was a high priced MP3 player. So i sold it and went to my computer cause I never need the on the go system and if its kept in a pocket the joystick goes a little loose and so does the L button. ;) So does the GBA except the d=pad which I like better then the joystick on the Gp32 cause the Gp32 8 way didn't work so well, couldn't shoot at an angle on Contra.
the gp32 will never go away its here until gp64 or whatever. i am still going to buy a zodiac when the price goes down to ATLEAST $300 because i bought an n-gage and i love it it is awesome. and i also want the zodiac but i want to see how multiplayer on it is and neverwinter nights.

and dont make fun of me liking n-gage youd be doing what GBA fans did to us.

anyways zodiac looks cool and gp32 stays forever
I have a GP32 and a GBA, i love them both, GP for emulators, MP3, DoomII on the go, homebrewn, and my GBA for commercial games. I played the N-Gay and its not worth anything, the games suck, the buttons suck, its a horrible system that will go nowhere. Just a waste of money.
actually the buttons are fine and the controls are fine u get used to the different feel after ur first day and the games are good not great but tony hawk puyo pop and pandemonium are amazing and re faction thats coming out is AMAZING! oh and i need a phone and after speaking with nokias Christopher Folmar (head man) im very interested what theyre doing they got some god stuff up their sleeves. but nevere will GBA be defeated its just not possible im saying that avout PSP too

and im spreading the word of GP32 i got one friend to buy it and 2 more are trying to get money and i got 3 friends to buy an n-gage :D im spreading the word of all systems no game racistry here :D
