Spraypainting Consoles

mr twit

A can of spam!
Aug 25, 2003
The top of my DS is really scratched up (never keep it in the same pocket as anything metal :( ) and so I'm thinking of spraypainting the whole thing black (and then painting a gold triforce on the top). Can anyone who has experience with spraypainting handhelds (your GP, perhaps) give me some tips?

I need to know:
Do I need to sand the existing paint off first?
Any specific type of spraypaint I should look for?
How can I seal the paint so it doesn't rub off? Some sort of varnish spray?
Will it apply itself evenly, or will it end up in streaks where I've sprayed?

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks :)

Edit: I want it:
I don't have loads of experience, but I know enough to know that you should primer, coat a few light coats, then most deffinately clear coat. Preferably all by the same manufacturer. I'd go for duplicolor/krylon fusion.

Maybe if you feel brave, very gently scuff the surface you're spraying with ultra fine sandpaper and water. Make sure it's smooth and that the scratches you have are gone though before you start painting.

Also, make sure it's clean and dry before you paint and it has a good, dust/wind free enviroment to dry.

Good luck :).

Edit: Should try and answer you better :P.

Do I need to sand the existing paint off first? - Fine sand with wet paper, don't need to get rid of the coat that's on there now, it's just so the paint can "grip" the plastic.

Any specific type of spraypaint I should look for? - duplicolor/krylon fusion

How can I seal the paint so it doesn't rub off? Some sort of varnish spray? - Clearcoat by the same brandname your paint is.

Will it apply itself evenly, or will it end up in streaks where I've sprayed? - It will be even, make sure you apply very light coats and let it dry for a while before spraying the next coat. It might take all day but the results will be worth it.

Edit again: Loving my ds btw :D.
Also, I'm sure you have enough common sense to remove all the housing before you spray it. But your alias doesn't fill be with confidence :D.

Also, you'll know when you have enough clearcoat on when it's evenly shiney, should should be able to see reflections in it pretty clearly :).
You mean plastikote? I'm no expert on paint of anything though :D.

I used plastikote on my monitor and it turned out pretty well.

thats the one :P yep apparently it can be baught pretty cheaply at wilkos.
what colour did you spray your monitor?
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You could get a skin for your ds to cover up the scatches, they're removable so if you dont like it you can get rid of it.
Just a suggestion.
I would custom paint it with modelling paint and then have it clear coated at a body shop.

They will just spray it after they get done doing their next car.
I paid the guy in a twelve pack of Michelob when I had him do my snowboard.

It came out super smooth- doesn't chip- and my snowboard looks like new still after 5 trips.

**Pics comin**