Speeding Up PS1 Emulation with OMAP’s DSP


Hardcore Member
May 7, 2012
神戸市、日本 (Japan)
A relatively long article coming back on Notaz's feat to improve further on PCSXReARMed using the DSP. You will also find a number of benchmarks i conducted on games I tried with and without the DSP.

Many thanks to Notaz for his kind availability for the technical details. 

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I forgot to thank notaz fot his great work. Thank you for PicoDrive, PCSX reARMed, SZ and all your work I've never read about. You and such guys as ptitSeb and some others make me come back to my pandora day after day, despite of games / emulators / hardware that just don't work. (Still. I'm grateful to every coder who tries his best) How are you guys doing all this coding work? You must be geniuses! Every time I open up my pandora I think about you. Thank you.very much.
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Excellent article, most of the technical info in the article went over my head but still a riveting read.
Excellent article - the sort of thing a long-form format like PandoraLive can really shine at.

Just one nit-pick - it'd be helpful if the axes of those graphs were labelled. On the CPU usage sliders I eventually worked out (I think) that the the span graphic represents the statistically significant results, the slider knob presumably the mean average, and the O's the outliers. And I assume the y-axis on the line graphs are the frame rate, but as far as I can see that's not mentioned anywhere.

My thanks to Eki and Notaz for an awesome article on the whole though.
Great article! Thanks to both of you for your time in writing it up. The DSP and CPU out of sync on the cache is hotness :)

Hey Ekianjo, that was a great write up! I shared it with the guys at work here.
Brilliant - not only are bsp and notaz amazing superheroes of the Pandora revolution, but having guys like ekianjo around to support them by keeping us rabble informed of their brilliance is very helpful to us all!  Bravo all of you guys!