Pandora outdated?

isn't this discussion a little off? it's not like pandora2 production has much of a choice. The mobile-SOC-market doesn't look like the pc-market a few years back where you could choose between a 3-4 ghz single-core and and 2-3 ghz dual-cores. from what i see, all soc-devs are increasing the indiviual bandwith and number of cores pretty much in parallel. Everything we already have, including N64, should be no real problem for those modern cpus, we don't know where dreamcast-emulation is heading and most pc-emulators for anything up from game-cube are already asuming a multicore-setup by design.
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I think the question in the topic title is (or should be irrelevant)

The question is:

Can anything else do what the pandora does better than a pandora?



The P1 is a dreadful smartphone, a pathetic gaming PC; but this is not a problem, so why fix it?
Why isn't OP eligible for a lawsuit with apple inc?

Think of all the nail-biting exciting we're missing!
achievment unlocked

- 1 year wait -

achievment unlocked

- 2 year wait -

achievment unlocked

- 3 year wait -

achievment unlocked

- 4 year wait -

achievment unlocked

- got pandora -
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I'll beat you, I'm aiming for the 5 year wait now...
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isn't this discussion a little off? it's not like pandora2 production has much of a choice. The mobile-SOC-market doesn't look like the pc-market a few years back where you could choose between a 3-4 ghz single-core and and 2-3 ghz dual-cores. from what i see, all soc-devs are increasing the indiviual bandwith and number of cores pretty much in parallel. Everything we already have, including N64, should be no real problem for those modern cpus, we don't know where dreamcast-emulation is heading and most pc-emulators for anything up from game-cube are already asuming a multicore-setup by design.

Sure, it's quite likely that the Pandora 2 will be multi-core. However, the above discussion would be relevant when we're deciding between, say, dual core and quad core.