Miika, that is the obvious solution, yes (I already have a cable like that and just need to dig it out). But it seems a little annoying to have to do it that way. If that's what needed to be done, then the TV-out cable shouldn't even have audio jacks on it to begin with, or should have had them separate from the ext adapter to a 3.5 jack. It just seems logical that, if this system is going to have TV output built in, then the option to turn off the system speakers should be available.
Don't tell me I'm honestly the only one who feels that way and that, while there are work-arounds, there shouldn't
have to be
But, I guess at the moment, that's how it'll have to work. I was only really posting in here about it on the off chance someone had come up with another work around not yet mentioned or that I'd missed.