Soul Crushed.

'Just dont want to have to deal with it now'... what a terrible attitude. Id suggest that while no assembly is taking place, and while all they're really doing is waiting for deliveries, this would be an ideal time to deal with it. If you ask me it's a money thing. My view is that the preorder and dev fund money has dried up and they have no more collateral to put on the line. This, again in my opinion, is why they're looking to raise capital through issuing shares. Which is 100% the route they should have gone in he first place.
Yeah, but they didn't do it before because they feared the open nature of the Pandora would be affected.
So long as they retained 51% of vote-able shares then there's no way the open nature could have been affected.
Pleng said:
'Just dont want to have to deal with it now'... what a terrible attitude. Id suggest that while no assembly is taking place, and while all they're really doing is waiting for deliveries, this would be an ideal time to deal with it. If you ask me it's a money thing. My view is that the preorder and dev fund money has dried up and they have no more collateral to put on the line. This, again in my opinion, is why they're looking to raise capital through issuing shares. Which is 100% the route they should have gone in he first place.

Sadly there just isn't much investment money out there right now.

Fortunately they're a limited company, though insolvency would hit the existing business owners pretty hard. I'm sure they're doing everything they can to prevent that happening.

I stopped following OP regularly quite some time ago but I still find the form factor interesting, though I'm turning into a complete touchscreen bitch with each passing day. I guess if they were doing this all over again they'd get the case etc sorted out before deciding what hardware was going into it. And who knew that Android would be on such a tear right now? I'm looking at PHONES like the Orange San Francisco for a hundred quid with a 3.5 inch CAPACITIVE touchscreen at 480×800 and a 600MHz processor - I know it isn't like for like but damn...

Shame you couldn't just pick a popular phone and make a cradle for it with the keyboard and gaming controls, like GBAX, I think, did with the iPhone. Pick a phone that's sold millions and a reasonably priced cradle, under a hundred bucks certainly, could have sold tens of thousands.

The resistive touchscreen on the OP has put me off a lot. I got one of the Eken M001 6" Android tablets - well I got two actually, ever the optimist - and the screen is a drag, literally, after using an iPod Touch.

All pointless speculation, obviously and I know I sound a bit mean-spirited or something. Just a shame to see the project go this way. I did actually pre-order originally but bailed out after that first ebay melt-down or whatever that caused everyone to re-confirm their pre-orders. I dunno, my memory of the exact events is hazy. Hey, it's been a while!
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dadioflex said:
I guess if they were doing this all over again they'd get the case etc sorted out before deciding what hardware was going into it.
I'm pretty sure that that would be next to impossible - how can you design a case if you don't know what's supposed to fit inside it? ;)

And who knew that Android would be on such a tear right now? I'm looking at PHONES like the Orange San Francisco for a hundred quid with a 3.5 inch CAPACITIVE touchscreen at 480×800 and a 600MHz processor - I know it isn't like for like but damn...
I know that the telephone described here has an inferior screen (I'm not quite sure why you've capitalised it, I confess), but that aside, is that price subsidised by mobile telephone companies? If it is, that's not really a fair comparison in my mind.

Shame you couldn't just pick a popular phone and make a cradle for it with the keyboard and gaming controls, like GBAX, I think, did with the iPhone.
If you mean the iControlPad, it's from some of the same team as the Pandora. :)

Pick a phone that's sold millions and a reasonably priced cradle, under a hundred bucks certainly, could have sold tens of thousands.
Although then you'd have a product that only appeals to those interested in telephones. :P
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lobski said:
centus said:
I'm wondering if it's a joke or did you finally crack that time machine problem? ;)

It's 2010, mate.

Heh, guess the wait is finally getting to me... :( sorry, I did see 2010, guess time kind of lost meaning for me after the 2 year wait...
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I don't think anyone was realistically thinking that batch 2 would ship before Christmas.

To be honest, I ordered on day one (I'm in the next 250 or so customers of ED) and I highly doubt I will see my unit this year.
A lot of Batch 2 orders came about after all the batch 1 fuss. These new blood were told by Craig something along the lines of 'ordering a Pandora now is the only way to guarantee one by Christmas'. So I guess, yes, a lot of people were - and probably still are - expecting it before Christmas.
Asmo said:
NickLoTurco said:
The TV out cables seem to have fallen off the face of the earth! No mention of them......the last I heard was from EvilDragon saying they'd be sorting them out middle of october (or did they mean October 2011?!)....

He recently changed that back to 'when batch 1 is complete'.

You'd have to conclude money is the issue, finished samples were shown aeons ago.

First Sighting of AV Cables, Sept. 2009

yep - the lack of ordering the cables now is disappointing and the excuse of only doing once batch 1 is done is not believable for 2 reasons. Firstly, how much effort involved if the design is done and they have received proto-types? Hardly any.

Additionally, and more importantly, the 'need to concentrate' argument would be more believable if they weren't putting all the effort into iControlPad. You can't claim to be too busy to do one thing and then very clearly doing something else.

Assuming it *is* money, then again, to some degree it feels like pandora money is being used to develop iControlPad - and that money includes the cable money.

Again, assuming it is money, given that I want to this to succeed (despite all the above) I ordered a whole load of spares (replacement case, keypad, soft case etc etc) which arrived today :o . Hopefully the money will help to keep them afloat, and if not, i have some spares.

But I really think they need to come up with a new excuse for the lack of cable. Out of Chilean mines closed due to earthquakes, volcanoes, concentrating on batch 1, I have to say the newest is the lamest.
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andyB911 said:
Additionally, and more importantly, the 'need to concentrate' argument would be more believable if they weren't putting all the effort into iControlPad. You can't claim to be too busy to do one thing and then very clearly doing something else.

Assuming it *is* money, then again, to some degree it feels like pandora money is being used to develop iControlPad - and that money includes the cable money.

And there's the Elephant in the room. The iControl Pad - something I don't particularly have any interest in whatsoever, and something that seems to be taking all of Craig's time up now, which he should be using to just GET ME MY FUCKING PANDORA - the thing I paid for and have been lied to about for a very long time now.

Shit, this is hilarious - it's all but guaranteed that Batch 1 won't even resume production until after christmas, if it ever does at all considering that Craig is now using the money for the next shiny thing that catches his eye. When I pre-ordered, I decided to write a game for it. So I wrote a sprite engine, then decided to write a whole BASIC interpreter around it. I've almost finished an entire game-making language for the Pandora, and I fully expect to have written a couple of games in it before my unit even arrives for me to test it on.

How fucked up is that then?

Edit: And no, ED, I don't want any more videos, I want my Pandora. All you're doing is trying your hardest to make sure people keep salivating over it and give them that little extra incentive not to cancel. Making videos is not doing anything useful, like TV-Out cables for instance. What you're doing stinks to high-heaven of damage limitation. The only video I want to see is Craig boxing up my pandora and putting my shipping label on it.

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andyB911 said:
I ordered a whole load of spares (replacement case, keypad, soft case etc etc) which arrived today :o . Hopefully the money will help to keep them afloat, and if not, i have some spares.

If they sell too many they won't have enough parts to build any Pandoras. Where did this surplus of parts come from, the balance of the cases alone is still 'at sea' or something.
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Asmo said:
If they sell too many they won't have enough parts to build any Pandoras. Where did this surplus of parts come from, the balance of the cases alone is still 'at sea' or something.
10000 cases were ordered, but the first+second batch was only 8000 Pandoras. There should be plenty of extra cases.
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Neko said:
Asmo said:
If they sell too many they won't have enough parts to build any Pandoras. Where did this surplus of parts come from, the balance of the cases alone is still 'at sea' or something.
10000 cases were ordered, but the first+second batch was only 8000 Pandoras. There should be plenty of extra cases.

There is at most 2000 coming by ship which gets us 1000 cases into Batch 2. There were 10000 ordered, but there has been no talk on the case front other than electrospark finish which we are yet to see a prototype of.
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I guess they were expecting that the sea-bound ones will arrive by the time that the boards are ready to go into them, so might as well sell the 'spares' that are sat around doing nothing.