Sony PlayStation 5


Half Pepperoni, All Cheese
Sep 15, 2015
North Carolina, USA

Yeah, I know the article says we're a ways off from this. Good thing too, IMO. Even 2020 is too early for me.

Just wanted to discuss my number one wish for PS5 while it's in the news, which is for Sony to find a media format that actually works. I don't wanna spend twenty minutes installing my game, and I don't wanna constantly worry about storage because my hard drive can only hold eight retail size games. I just wanna pop in the disc or cart or whatever, and play.
The way things are going, it's likely to be download only, and usually the included hard drives are pretty rubbish.

Incidentally, I didn't like it that they dropped CD support from the PS4, although I kind of understand.

Carts are awesome, but unfortunately I think those days are gone.
It was recently announced that GTA4 probably will lose some music due to the end of a license period.
Download-only consoles will be super, until after a year or 10 your stuff doesn't work anymore and it has become worthless (unless some homebrew stuff gets made).
It is kind of surprising they haven't gone the full streaming route yet. Wasn't it Sony that bought out onlive?

From a anti-piracy perspective it is the most powerful move they can make. Then again, I suppose infrastructure cost are still a limiting factor.
Download only would be horrible because there would be no more second hand video game market. This is already a big problem on PC games since steam.

Also what happens if the company shuts down its servers? The hardware would get completely useless.

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@CommanderB it is not about providing value to the customers anymore. Companies have been trying to kill off the second hand video game market for a long time.
@CommanderB it is not about providing value to the customers anymore. Companies have been trying to kill off the second hand video game market for a long time.
When digital games were introduced I thought they would be cheaper, as there was no stock, no moving trucks full of boxes and things like that. But no, they are mostly more expensive as it is a better service to have them digitally.
I do love my digital library, but shame it the servers stop and I can't play anymore.

ps: 1994
ps2: 2000 (6y)
ps3: 2006 (6y)
ps4: 2013 (7y)
ps5: 2020? (7y?)
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How is 2000 to 2006 only 4 years? Even late 2000 versus early '06 should be five years rounded to nearest by my count.
Carts are awesome, but unfortunately I think those days are gone.
Buy a Nintendo Switch.

Or a Pyra, and only install one game on each SD card
When digital games were introduced I thought they would be cheaper, as there was no stock, no moving trucks full of boxes and things like that. But no, they are mostly more expensive as it is a better service to have them digitally.
I do love my digital library, but shame it the servers stop and I can't play anymore.
This isn't actually due to greed as you'd imagine. It's due to Sony not wanting to ruin their business relationship with the physical retailers (Gamestop in US, Game in UK etc.). It is generally accepted that Sony would make more money online if they sold their games cheaper (look at Steam, I buy most of my games for ~£3-5 but they're swimming in cash). But that would undercut the stores and that would probably be bad for Sony in the long run. This applies to MS as well.

I don't buy many PS4 games because I don't play it that much. I steer clear of anything that falls short of utterly amazing, last game I got was Horizon Zero Dawn which didn't disappoint, I may get God Of War 4. But all the games I get are digital these days. Turning off the servers will suck, but storing games sucks, swapping discs sucks. If I want to play PS4, I just want to turn it on, browse my games, and start whatever takes my fancy. I'm just too used to Steam now.
PS5? Can it play my PS1, PS2, and PS3 games without paying an extra monthly fee? If no than I don't want it!
How is 2000 to 2006 only 4 years? Even late 2000 versus early '06 should be five years rounded to nearest by my count.
Buy a Nintendo Switch.

Or a Pyra, and only install one game on each SD card
Yeah, although apparently Switch carts taste like vomit :p Good point though, and I do respect Nintendo for stuff like that.

The Pyra is special ;-)
I personally hate the tread of downloading games, because my internet provider [Xfinity:-||] is pile of s**t and caps my internet at one TB of data per mo with the most expensive plan they provide. I have no other options in my area because there are no other providers.

If it was not for the expensive, slow & s**t internet in the US I would be embracing digital downloads!

And to top it all off, My speeds some times degrade into oblivion where I have to watch video at 320p on YouTube on my HD Tv so that it wont buffer.

I'm paying around 50 bux a mo!
[doublepost=1523543158,1523542835][/doublepost]Sorry everyone for the angry ass rant, I needed to blow off my frustration
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I personally hate the tread of downloading games, because my internet provider [Xfinity:-||] is pile of s**t and caps my internet at one TB of data per mo with the most expensive plan they provide. I have no other options in my area because there are no other providers.

If it was not for the expensive, slow & s**t internet in the US I would be embracing digital downloads!

And to top it all off, My speeds some times degrade into oblivion where I have to watch video at 320p on YouTube on my HD Tv so that it wont buffer.

I'm paying around 50 bux a mo!
[doublepost=1523543158,1523542835][/doublepost]Sorry everyone for the angry ass rant, I needed to blow off my frustration
Internet in US is crap. I pay $200 a month for "25mb/s" and watch twitch at 160p because they throttle video content but at least I don't have a hard cap and can download from steam.
To be honest I got annoyed by the Nintendo Switch cartridges.
I dislike to always have to carry them with me.
Having everything on my SD-Card is so much more comfortable.

I will buy the mayor titles on Cartridge but the smaller e-shop and Indie games will be downloaded.

I use a flashcard on my 3DS. Not because I want to pirate games. All my games on the Flashcard are dumps of my cartridges.
Simply because it makes life so much easier.

My favorite way would be to be able to install the game from cartridge to an internal SD Card and let it run without a physical cartridge.
Maybe give every game a unique ID and detect via the internet when it's installed/run on a second console. So it does prevent users from installing and reselling a game.
Nearly everyone is online from time to time nowadays ;)
To be honest I got annoyed by the Nintendo Switch cartridges.
Maybe give every game a unique ID and detect via the internet when it's installed/run on a second console. So it does prevent users from installing and reselling a game.
Nearly everyone is online from time to time nowadays ;)

That's the reason I don't want to have it, if the on-line check is required the game doesn't work if that service stops.
Assassins creed 2 on PC needed a on-line login and saved it's save games on the server, loading your save game didn't go well all the time as the service didn't work very good. Bought all AC games on X-box 360 as I can play off-line and save locally.

I do imagine you could always play the game off-line with the card inserted else you would need on-line verification.
That would mean you could play on at least 2 devices though, one with card inserted (off-line) and one with a digital copy (on-line).
It is kind of surprising they haven't gone the full streaming route yet.
Streaming over the internet is and always has been a horrifyingly bad idea.

Even without talking about the technical issues it's not really financially viable. Hence OnLive effectively going bankrupt while getting flooded with investor cash in a rapid flaming dumpster fire from 2010 to 2012 and the relaunch in 2014 rapidly ending with Sony in 2015 buying and liquidating the physical assets, for the patent library.

Also hence Sony's efforts built on top of Gaikai having pricing models and limitations leading to people raging quite a bit in Sony's direction, while the RPCS3 devs are rather flush with cash to support their project.


Personally what I expect is we'll be look at a chip on a 7nm process probably with a Ryzen Quad and a GPU far more powerful than the XBox One X, with a pricing target of around 400USD at launch. In turn the real question is whether they'll offer OS backwards compatibility given in recent years that's been an avenue for exploits through the old OS image.