Something We Forgot!

Rumble sucks. Hate it. how does holding a vibrator make your game more fun? (If it is "that" kind of game I don't want to know about it.)

Not cool making fun of Fox btw.
Iorgy77 said:
Michael J Fox doesn't need a rumble pak.
HAHAHA good one, it took me a while to get it.
Micheal J is a cool dude tho, been in many great movies.
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Haptics have a long way to go before they're really useful. Right now, there's little no control over direction, intensity, frequency and positioning. Most of the time it's a distraction.
It's funny seeing you guys seriously discussing every little shit somebody throws at you.
The rumble pack suggestion surely was just a joke.
Ryzure said:
sold said:
[Giant Quote Pyramid]

If there are any members of this board with epilepsy who encounter your sig, someone is gonna shake something somewhere, and it wont be Iorgy77 or his attitude.

And it seems like maybe there are more than a few people on this forum who need to grow some balls (figuratively speaking) instead of getting all sore any time someone makes a bad off-color joke. Get over yourselves. No-one cares if you're all politically correct and sensitive to whatever issues TV tells you to care about and comments made on the internet that may hurt some peoples' feelings make you cry like a little girl whose pony ran away.

Anyway. Rumble would've been really annoying imo. Plus the added risk of dropping the console what with the shaking.
Too subtle? <_<

I'm not sure what you mean by "epilepsy", that image is intended to induce full body dance spasms. ;)

Epilepsy is a disorder which triggers spasm-attacks when faced with flashing things like your sig.

When someone sees your sig it can go pretty wrong, when they fall down they can hit their head really hard which can leave permanent damage.

Even without epilepsy its bloody annoying to something like this.
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Well, if it wasn't a joke, then it was a request greatly lacking practical sense.
What's next? A pepperspray compartment for self defense, in case somebody wants to knick it? Toothpick and compass and a free condom for the real emergencies?
Rumble or vibration isn't a stupid idea. Both the Gizmondo and N-Gage have it, partly because of their use as a phone but both actually have games that support it.

With the Pandora it would be nice for PSX and (possible) N64 emulation, and also for silent alarms.

The guy who suggested putting it in an SDIO card - how exactly do you expect to fit a spinning motor and weight into a space that thin?!
AireTamStorm said:
Rumble? All you need is a piece of (preferably breaded) chicken and a carrot.
or some beans :) lots of 'em
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ashdjones said:
Rumble or vibration isn't a stupid idea. Both the Gizmondo and N-Gage have it, partly because of their use as a phone but both actually have games that support it.

With the Pandora it would be nice for PSX and (possible) N64 emulation, and also for silent alarms.

The guy who suggested putting it in an SDIO card - how exactly do you expect to fit a spinning motor and weight into a space that thin?!
do we need to use a motor cant we make a coil and a magnet that shakes.
or we could just use a nano motor ^_^

anyways i was kinda joking
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