Somebody please port Duke Nukem 3D !!


Still Fresh
Apr 12, 2003
I just found out that the sourcecode for Duke Nukem 3D was just released to the public ! I am no programmer but I guess it should be portable to the GP32 ! I remember that game running absolutely smooth on my Pentium 75 back in the good old days. The minimum system requirements are even lower: 486DX2/66 w/ 8MB RAM. In my opinion Duke 3D was and still is one of the best FPS games of all times ! I would sell my soul just to be able to play this great classic game on my GP32 ! To all the talented coders out there: I am beggin' you on my knees to port that classic game !!! The sourcecode can be downloaded from one of the following links:

To all others interested in a port: Please reply to that topic, so that everybody can see how badly we want a Duke Nukem 3D Port on our beloved GP32 !!!

BTW: The sourcecode for another great classic: "Rise Of The Triad" was also released to the public...
Hail to the king, baby ! Come get some ! ;-)
Yep, you can count me and a few of my friends as people who'd love to play DUke on our GP's :D
I'm sure I read somewhere earlier this week that someone was considering doing it-if only I could remember where.............
yeah someone have to make a port, i get my GP32 i a week or two, and i would love to play duke on it!

You'll have to wait, quite a bit of the code is written in x86 assembly. It has to be rewritten to C before it can be ported properly. People are working on it now though.