Some More Emulators Ported...

Exophase posted on May 16 2009 at 06:38 AM said:
Orkie? I know for sure Orkie wasn't complaining. He said SNES ran great with it. Later he admitted that he only tried one game that happened to only utilize one action button.
Right, this is all I am going to say on the matter. Everybody hates me, I know this. What I don't really know is why, but I don't expect to ever understand that either.

I said SNES ran pretty damn well considering it was SNES9x running and that I would be happy playing it at that speed (if you want to know, my exact test was Zelda and I typed in my name, walked around a bit outside with all the weather effects etc. and when pressing the buttons I won't holding the Wiz, it was lying flat on the floor connected to my dev board - I was actually testing that input worked at all given that it was running a GP2X binary on a different machine), I never said anything much about the controls. What little I did say about the controls was that they "felt OK to me" (which I guess could be read in many different ways), but I hadn't actually tried them in anything other than the menu and nor did I ever claim to do anything other than that as far as I recall.

I still do think the main problem with that action d-pad was that it was out of alignment. The problem was that you often hit two buttons at once when you didn't want to, yet this didn't happen with the exact same piece of plastic on the other side, so is it not a reasonable assumption that it was an alignment issue? Sure, you couldn't hit opposite buttons with it joined, and it's not like I denied that. But it didn't really bother me anyway because, as you know, I don't really use emulators (except for development). You also have to remember, back with that prototype, the SD driver barely worked for reading and not at all for writing (if you tried, the kernel would panic), so my testing ability was quite limited.

I do wish people would stop trying to draw me into fights, I am an innocent bystander <_< .

For the record, I would agree that ED telling them face to face that it was crap is what had the greatest influence on the change. I can think of 3 maybe 4 other people who had prototype units - they were just less willing to discuss them than I until a bit later on.
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DaveC posted on May 16 2009 at 03:11 AM) [quote="Prophet posted on May 15 2009 at 04:57 PM said:
Anyone tried these? How well do they run?
Sorry to say PocketSNES is not very good. It is much faster on the GP2X and has many more options and a superior interface. It seems that this port was from a different source (Pocket PC maybe?"] and is very slow. It would be nice if Reesy's GP2X Pocket SNES was ported it would be much better.[/quote]You sure you ran the correct file?
In the archive, there are TWO files. One is the Snes9x port which is slow and only shows a bare menu, the other one is a direct port of the gp2x version of PocketSNES. About as fast (not faster as it doesn't use the MMUHack yet) and even with the complete gp2x menu and options in it (some of them won't work since it's a WIZ the emulator is running on),.
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Orkie posted on May 16 2009 at 12:39 PM said:
For the record, I would agree that ED telling them face to face that it was crap is what had the greatest influence on the change. I can think of 3 maybe 4 other people who had prototype units - they were just less willing to discuss them than I until a bit later on.
Yep, I guess it was easiest for me meeting them face to face in Berlin and SHOWING them you can't play games like Super Mario World with it :D
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Orkie posted on May 16 2009 at 11:39 AM said:
Right, this is all I am going to say on the matter. Everybody hates me, I know this. What I don't really know is why, but I don't expect to ever understand that either.
I don't think anybody actually hates you. I personally quite like you, you were helpful and pleasant to chat to on IRC.

You have been quite vocal on a number of occasions about your dislike of the Pandora, or Craig and what he's been part of. You do come across as a raving GPH fanboy at times. But then, so does Peter R and he's a lot worse for it than you are. At least you've done something useful for the 2x (Open2X is just lovely, if a tad late, but no less impressive for all that - I run it) which is more than Peter has, or I have for that matter.

But because of this fanboyish behaviour, nobody can take you, or Peter, or anyone from the spanish GP scene seriously. There's too much obvious bias, and sour grapes all round. Especially in the spanish scene, after this latest little outburst.

I do wish people would stop trying to draw me into fights, I am an innocent bystander <_< .

People associate you with Peter, and it's gonna be hard to wash off. Sorry and all that.

I'm currently torn between an A320 and a Wiz. My Pandora will get here when it gets here, but there's no harm in splashing out a small amount on something to tide me over. These outbursts from the Wiz pre-release owners and the Spanish mob are pushing me towards the A320 - I don't really want to be part of the Wiz scene if they just can't seem to contain themselves.

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Well I do live about 100m from Peter, but I don't control him - he has his own views and it is none of my business what he does. If you think the Spanish community are raving Wiz fanatics, you need to take an objective view of the English one sometime, I suspect they view us in exact the same way as you view them :D.
which is more than Peter has, or I have for that matter.
I've written applications for the GP2x and the Wiz....

Dunny posted on May 16 2009 at 04:24 PM said:
But because of this fanboyish behaviour, nobody can take you, or Peter, or anyone from the spanish GP scene seriously. There's too much obvious bias, and sour grapes all round. Especially in the spanish scene, after this latest little outburst.
We can be taken seriously. There just seems to be some sort of ideal that as I sometimes claim something that clashes with something Craig has said that it makes us raving loonies. I have been (along with many others) quite intricately involved with the development of the Wiz and the software it ships with (our stuff anyway).

Even I think the Spanish forums hate is insane but I am pretty sure they see this board as being full of raving Pandora fanatics and if so then I somewhat agree with that assessment. The Pandora fanboys are very noisy compared to the rest of the crowd here and you seem to be painting me as the bad guy as I am being the only guy being noisy for the Wiz so I stand out but it needs someone to preach the truth based on actual conversations with GPH employees.

Dunny posted on May 16 2009 at 04:24 PM said:
People associate you with Peter, and it's gonna be hard to wash off. Sorry and all that.
Eh, compare to elaborate on that remark?

Is it not possible that perhaps you are slightly biassed towards the Pandora direction?
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which is more than Peter has, or I have for that matter.

I've written applications for the GP2x and the Wiz....
Sorry, I was actually comparing your input to the scene against Orkie's - his is arguably much more valuable, though yours are better than mine. On that subject, does the Wiz support enough of the Flash engine to run the original Boomshine?

Dunny posted on May 16 2009 at 04:24 PM said:
People associate you with Peter, and it's gonna be hard to wash off. Sorry and all that.

Eh, compare to elaborate on that remark?
You have to admit, you've quite the reputation around here. How many bans was it, just out of interest? You're undoubtedly better than you were - it took me a few posts to figure out who you are :-)

As for occaisonally speaking out against Craig or the Pandora, I'm afraid that you tend to come across as a Quasist-clone with the death threats removed :"] Try being more like Fluffy.

Is it not possible that perhaps you are slightly biased towards the Pandora direction?[/quote]Absolutely, as I've laid out a few notes on one. As I've said before, I'm also thinking about getting the Wiz but I have to say that GPH's reputation preceeds them, and that the voices of the Wiz proponents are quite off-putting. Maybe when they've released their third revision, it will be stable enough. Who knows? I lurked these forums when I had my GP32 FLU, joined when I got my 2x. GPH's catalogue of disasters and idiocy is huge, but they're still the ones that people root for. Mind you, the Dingoo is gaining ground rapidly, and if Firefox is on-board and coding for it then my mind may well be made up. He's been involved with Dio's Jaguar emulator for a long time, and I have a sneaking suspicion that it might get a Dingoo port before the Wiz gets a sniff.

Orkie posted on May 16 2009 at 04:49 PM said:
If you think the Spanish community are raving Wiz fanatics, you need to take an objective view of the English one sometime, I suspect they view us in exact the same way as you view them :D.
I think this may be more to do with the fact that these forums are where the Pandora was born - the discussions whilst the thing was in the design phase were enormous. And yes, I can see that there are more posts under the Pandora forums than anywhere else. So I suppose you're probably right :)

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Arguably Open2x took far more man hours than my stuff and I just wish I had the skills, at the time, that I would have needed to help with it's development.

I don't find myself to be quite as bad as Quasist, he was just trolling for no reason based on no evidence. I was just trying to get the point across to people that the Wiz wasn't as much an utter failure as Craig seemed to be suggesting. GPH wouldn't remove the pivot for no reason after going through so many extra revisions and dev time to get it in there.

Just a final mention on GPH. Sure, they don't have the greatest of track records. However, they have been incontact with a fairly large number of us this time and involved us in the development of the Wiz. For example, after we complained about the buttons, they sent out concept designs of the Wiz with different types of button and layout and asked our opinions. They have really tried this time and it's not like they didn't try to fix the screen tearing issue (which is the only issue with the Wiz) and they have stated that they will create a workaround which uses the 3D hardware to avoid it.
Peter R posted on May 16 2009 at 07:29 PM said:
For example, after we complained about the buttons, they sent out concept designs of the Wiz with different types of button and layout and asked our opinions.
Yep, though the funny thing is, that EACH of us (I talked to various guys) preferred basically the same button layout... and they scrapped it and used the simple split ones ;)

I do like the WIZ though, nice little machine. Nothing spectacular, but a good evolution of the gp2x.

The only thing I'm not happy with at all are the screws for the battery panel... they weren't on the first prototypes, if they weren't, I would've told them to remove them.
Not because it makes it easier to change the batteries... the problem is that stuff like WEEE and CE logo HAVE to be clearly visible on the machine.
Below the battery is no problem, however, if you need to remove screws, that's not clearly visible anymore, so at the moment the WIZ is basically illegal to be sold within the EU, just because of those missing logos... gonna have to talk about it with them :/
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Hmmm, not good. Yeah, the screws aren't really neccassary.

About the button layout. Yeah, I chose the ones that looked like GP2x buttons but I can understand that someone made an executive decision for cost reasons or something. I don't find these buttons too hard to use :).
Back on topic, Franxis from gp2xspain just released version 2.0 of MAME4ALL for the Wiz and the GP2X. You can find both versions here:

My Wiz has not arrived yet, so I cannot use it right now. Soon, though...

Thank you Franxis!
About Pocket SNES.. which file is for Wiz and which is slow?
There are two:


pocketsnes has fancy menus but I got a "Error setting DSP speed"(restart needed) error few times and after that I can't navigate out to choose roms directory. I have only "..", i press it and nothing happens, still empty filelist(Solved: delete file with name romsdir.0 or something like that).
In a sneswiz I was able to run some roms but not sure if it's working fine.
Moomin posted on May 20 2009 at 12:14 PM said:
About Pocket SNES.. which file is for Wiz and which is slow?
There are two:


pocketsnes has fancy menus but I got a "cannot initialize DSP" error few times and after that I can't navigate out to choose roms directory. I have only "..", i press it and nothing happens, still empty filelist.
In a sneswiz I was able to run some roms but not sure if it's working fine.
Just set the sample rate to 22050 and Pocketsnes will run fine ;)
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Allanon posted on May 20 2009 at 01:22 PM said:
Moomin posted on May 20 2009 at 12:14 PM said:
About Pocket SNES.. which file is for Wiz and which is slow?
There are two:

pocketsnes has fancy menus but I got a "cannot initialize DSP" error few times and after that I can't navigate out to choose roms directory. I have only "..", i press it and nothing happens, still empty filelist.
In a sneswiz I was able to run some roms but not sure if it's working fine.
Just set the sample rate to 22050 and Pocketsnes will run fine ;)

Didn't help. Same with 44100.
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Make sure after you set it you tell it to save the settings. I even had someone tell me this and I STILL forgot and couldn't figure out why it didn't work for a little while.
DurTahar posted on May 20 2009 at 03:15 PM said:
Make sure after you set it you tell it to save the settings. I even had someone tell me this and I STILL forgot and couldn't figure out why it didn't work for a little while.
Really helped! Thanks a lot! This should be added to a wiki. Hope to have some time today to update it
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DurTahar posted on May 20 2009 at 08:10 PM said:
I'm pretty sure you hit Vol+ and Vol- at the same time for the SNES emu. I just started hitting buttons until I figured it out.
Thanks again!
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