Some Gmenu2x Backgrounds For Anyone Who Wants 'em.



Well, only one from me (done with a grab from winamp's visualization thingy):


The 'task bar' at the bottom acts as a nice background for the battery, clock speed & memory indicators.

Post yours here, instead of making 20,000 seperate topics. :p
TelcoLou posted on Sep 6 2006 at 12:40 AM said:
Well, only one from me (done with a grab from winamp's visualization thingy):


The 'task bar' at the bottom acts as a nice background for the battery, clock speed & memory indicators.

Post yours here, instead of making 20,000 seperate topics. :p
Looks nice. I haven't got around to using this menu system yet, been too busy with other things. Your background looks nice, I will no doubt use it.
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Cool background! I usually just crop PSP wallpapers to fit my screen (yes I know I'm lazy ;) )
he heh

Thanks for the kind replies (I feel like a damn dirty cheat though ... I just copied from my win95 skin, and squashed the 'taskbar' and edited a few pixels ;))
Is that a winamp visualization I see there? ;)

Personally, I'd like it better without the taskbar add-in tho, that clock never changes :(

SunSpire posted on Sep 5 2006 at 11:03 PM said:
Personally, I'd like it better without the taskbar add-in tho, that clock never changes :(

Someone doesn't get it :lol:
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Well, you might want to add some personal flare to the bottom part of the image ... as I did with my super-nerdy Windows™ Taskbar ... it makes the indicators stand out from the rest of the image, and separates them from the rest of the icons.

But basically, yes. (320 x 240)

See you like my completely unoriginal crop from a wallpaper from! :D
subcon959 posted on Sep 6 2006 at 11:10 AM said:
Here's my crappy effort..


No effort is crappy ... they're cool :)
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subcon959 posted on Sep 6 2006 at 04:10 PM said:
Here's my crappy effort..

I find it ironic how it's a GMenu2x background, yet it has the standard GPH menu in the picture.
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