sold my gba, bought a gp32


Still Fresh
Aug 10, 2003
Visit site
i only want to inform, that i ordered 1 gp32 flu at gbax ;)

I hope it arrives soon at my home in germany.

by the way, i only bought it at gbax, because of the work craigx did for the community...elsewhere i could get it cheaper.
So, great work craigx, thanks for doom!

Now im starting to develop a game...maybe i could give you some infos about it in some months :)

Welcome to the GP community,
I hope you enjoy your system.
There are alot of happy customers here.
Welcome again!
I love it when I see posts like these - Well done!

This is a person that loves the GP32, and he's already begun developing for it... Amazing! :D B)

Welcome to the scene!
Still keeping my GBA :D. But i'm also a proud owner of a GP32. It really kickz ass *ggg*

BTW: German GP32-Users: There is a new Mailing-List concerning everything around the Gamepark-Konsole. Try it, you'll like it. Registrieren/Abonnieren kannst Du Dich dann hier:

Hope this is not an unwelcome Posting!
is there an english mail list like that? Not one that sends one every 2 hours, but once a week with the major updates mite b nice to keep track of whats been going on.
NeoAP posted on Aug 10 2003 said:
Good for you, you wont be disapointed! What type of game RPG, plattform?? Give us a clue... ;)

Tell ya what, I got $100 here ... :P
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Thank you, i do try to support the GBA and the GP32 scene as much as I can.

I am actually interested in the scene not just your $$$ and i'll keep releasing things as long as I can :)

Now doom has midi support and soon MP3 and OGG I will release heretic and hexen!


Thank you craigx (and all you other great developers!). You should really know that we all appreciate your hard work. Keep up the good work!

One thing I was wondering about your DOOM port, would there be any way to add an all weapons/god mode? I have played through doom and sometimes would just love to go through giving then all hell with all the weapons from the get go.

Anyone like this if it's possible?
Good for you, you wont be disapointed! What type of game RPG, plattform?? Give us a clue...

Its some sort of an rpg.

And no, its not the genesis emulator.

But flack, i would take the $100 anyway :P