Buying A Gp32.....recommendations?


Still Fresh
Jul 21, 2004
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Hello there,

I´m in Germany and would like to buy a GP32.

I think about a BLU unit, and I am a die hard C64 and SNES fanatic, so that´s the problem.
With 133 MHz, the C64 would be no problem, but the SNES...would 180 MHz be better for that? But what about the battery lifetime with a BLU @ 180 MHz. Has a BLU unit a button to turn the backlight on and off??

So what would you recommend? Buying it from Lik Sang for a cheaper price and let it mod (in Germany? Does anyone know where????) or buy a modded one with 180 MHz at GBAx ?

I read a lot about the gp32_console but the recent postings with those horrifying differences in frequencies really let me doubt.....

And what about that chatboard for the GP32 at GBAx? Has anyone experiences with it? Does it make sense? Because if I´d buy my unit at GBAx I´d also order such a thing directly because I also plan using Address book and notepad utilities.

Thanks a lot,
Best regards,
A gp32 would make a difference for snes with 180 mhz. yes there is a button too turn off the light. if you buy from lik-sang you have a chance of getting a 180 or up. If you want an address book and notepad utility youl probly want wind-ups firmware. i dont know much about the chatboard.
i wouldnt pay extra for 180mhz one as i got a flu from lik-sang ladst year it got to 166mhz on some things but on snes emu it only got to 156mhz and it was still great. Ive sold it now tho and ordered a blu :D they said at lik-sang that out of 40 they tested only one couldnt reach 166mhz only got to 160mhz.
Out of 40 only one slower gp32_console at lik sang ??
As good as I know my luck I´ll get that one <_< .

So do I understand right that a GP unit sold as a 133 CAN reach a speed of about 156 to 160??

Flynn posted on Jul 21 2004 at 06:31 PM said:
Hello there,

I´m in Germany and would like to buy a GP32.

I think about a BLU unit, and I am a die hard C64 and SNES fanatic, so that´s the problem.
With 133 MHz, the C64 would be no problem, but the SNES...would 180 MHz be better for that? But what about the battery lifetime with a BLU @ 180 MHz. Has a BLU unit a button to turn the backlight on and off??

So what would you recommend? Buying it from Lik Sang for a cheaper price and let it mod (in Germany? Does anyone know where????) or buy a modded one with 180 MHz at GBAx ?

I read a lot about the gp32_console but the recent postings with those horrifying differences in frequencies really let me doubt.....

And what about that chatboard for the GP32 at GBAx? Has anyone experiences with it? Does it make sense? Because if I´d buy my unit at GBAx I´d also order such a thing directly because I also plan using Address book and notepad utilities.

Thanks a lot,
Best regards,
Hello Flynn :)

Honnestly if you got money for that, then I would advice you to take the GP32 @ 180 in .... Simply because more juice you get , more fast & smooth your SNES games will be :)
& by the way buy a Chatboard there too ;) it's cheap & it's really comfortable & efficient :) I definitly love it :P Moreover the support is growing up every day & I'm near sure we'll see soon all the active emu of old computers support it (which is really a great thing imho) :) You already got CaSTaway, SpecialK & some others !

& for your address book surely WindsUp will be enough for you, but once again you can hope even more soon from the Linux side of the GP32 ;p

The notepad already got 2 alternatives really well made on GP32 directly :)

so go & choose the best ;)
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Flynn posted on Jul 21 2004 at 08:18 PM said:
Out of 40 only one slower gp32_console at lik sang ??
As good as I know my luck I´ll get that one <_< .

So do I understand right that a GP unit sold as a 133 CAN reach a speed of about 156 to 160??

Yes, you can try your "luck" at Lik Sang... but if you choose Lik Sang count better on getting a great price, coz that's the real point : they are cheaper :)

I already had 3 GP & yes I can tell you that the normal GP (not certified) can go over 133 .... the case is extremly often with the Blu version :) but extreme Oc (>166)units are pretty rare actually...
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